- Overview
- Module Description - A Puppet module for managing svckill
- Setup - The basics of getting started with pupmod-simp-svckill
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module is a component of the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.
If you find any issues, they can be submitted to our JIRA.
Please read our Contribution Guide.
This module is optimally designed for use within a larger SIMP ecosystem, but it can be used independently:
- When included within the SIMP ecosystem, security compliance settings will be managed from the Puppet server.
- In the future, all SIMP-managed security subsystems will be disabled by default and must be explicitly opted into by administrators. Please review simp/simp_options for details.
Svckill is a system that attempts to run with the security best practice that "No unnecessary services should be running on the system."
The way svckill works is to fetch all services on the running system and then shutdown and disable any that are not declared in a Puppet manifest (or ignore list/file) somewhere.
simp/svckill effects ALL services on a given node. If this class is included on a node, all services not declared in a puppet service resource or a svckill ignore list will be disabled and turned off on a system. The following are exceptions:
A default list of services to ignore is kept in the module's hiera data for
the parameter svckill::ignore_defaults. This default list is split over
several hiera files, grouped as services that are common, services that
are os family related and services that are version related. The arrays
are merged and sorted uniquely during catalog compilation.
These services will not be killed unless they are removed using the knock out
prefix in the svckill::ignore parameter.
The following is an example of a hiera entry that will remove a service on
the svckill::ignore_defaults list and allow svckill to kill this service:
- '--sshd'
You can set up svckill on a node by:
include 'svckill'
There are two ways to solve this problem:
Declare the service in puppet:
service { 'myservice':
ensure => running,
or Declare the service in an ignore list in svckill:
svckill::ignore { 'myservice': }
svckill { 'ourservices':
ignorefiles => '/opt/services',
class { 'svckill':
ignore => ['A',
class { 'svckill':
ignore => 'A',
mode => 'warning',
Please refer to the REFERENCE.md.
SIMP Puppet modules are generally intended for use on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux and compatible distributions, such as CentOS. Please see the
file for the most up-to-date list of
supported operating systems, Puppet versions, and module dependencies.
Please read our Contribution Guide.
Visit the project homepage on GitHub, and look at our issues on JIRA.