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Build and sign an RPM from the current directory (using rake pkg:single)

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A Github action to build and sign an RPM using pkg:single from simp-core

Note that this requires the secret (private) GPG signing key as input; understand the security implications of this before using the action.


  1. Pulls down SIMP build container
  2. Prepares build and signing environment
    1. Copies local build directory into build container
    2. Ensures simp-core is checked out to a specific ref for building
    3. Adds GPG signing key to build container (without touching any filesystems)
    4. Configured GPG signing key to sign non-interactively
  3. Builds and signs RPM inside a SIMP build docker container
    1. Runs rake pkg:single to build the RPM
    2. Signs RPM with GPG signing key using rpmsign
  4. Outputs RPM and cleans up
    1. Copies new RPM file back to local filesystem
    2. Ensures container is stopped and removed
    3. Returns information about new RPM file as output variables


To safely execute during a pull_request_target event, try something like the following (using a previous contributor-permissions job to determine if the Pull Request submitter is trusted):

    name: Test build & sign pupmod RPM
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
          clean: true
      - uses: simp/github-action-build-and-sign-pkg-single-rpm@v2
        name: 'Build & sign RPM(s)'
        id: build-and-sign-rpm
          gpg_signing_key: ${{ secrets.SIMP_DEV_GPG_SIGNING_KEY }}
          gpg_signing_key_id: ${{ secrets.SIMP_DEV_GPG_SIGNING_KEY_ID }}
          gpg_signing_key_passphrase: ${{ secrets.SIMP_DEV_GPG_SIGNING_KEY_PASSPHRASE }}
      - name: 'Check basic results'
          rpm_file_paths: ${{ }}
          rpm_gpg_file: ${{ }}
          expected_rpm_count: ${{ }}
        run: |
          [ -z "$rpm_file_paths" ] && { echo '::error ::$rpm_file_paths cannot be empty!'; exit 88; }

          [ "${#files[@]}" -eq "$expected_rpm_count" ]  || \
            { echo "::error ::Expected ${expected_rpm_count} RPM files, got ${#files[@]}"; exit 88; }
          echo "Found expected number of files ($expected_rpm_count)"

          if [ ! -f "$rpm_gpg_file" ]; then
            printf '::error ::No file found at $rpm_gpg_file (got "%s")!\n' "$rpm_gpg_file"
            exit 88
          echo "Found GPG public key file: $rpm_gpg_file"


Action Inputs

Input Required Description
gpg_signing_key Yes ASCII-armored content of the GPG signing key's secret/private key
gpg_signing_key_id Yes GPG signing key's GPG ID (name)
gpg_signing_key_passphrase Yes Passphrase to use the GPG signing key
path_to_build No Path to directory to build
Default: ${{ github.workspace }}
simp_builder_docker_image No SIMP build container image to stage build. So far, the action has only been tested with (and probably only works with) the EL8 build image'
simp_core_ref_for_building_rpms No A ref (usually tagged release) in simp-core that is stable enough to build RPMs
Default: 6.5.0-1
verbose No If "yes", enables verbose logging while building the RPM
Default: yes

Action Outputs

Output Description
rpm_file_paths Local absolute paths to new RPM(s)
rpm_gpg_file Local absolute path to public GPG signing key
rpm_dist_dir Local absolute path to RPM `dist/` dir

⚠️ Security implications ⚠️

To sign RPMs, the action requires the secret (aka private) key of your GPG signing key and the passphrase to decrypt and use it. This inherently poses security risks that you should be aware of and understand.

The action does what it can to prevent exposure of the private signing key and its passphrase:

  • secrets are piped directly into the GPG keyring in the container
  • raw secrets never touch the filesystem on the runner or build container
  • the secrets are handled as environment variables in a way that should not expose them to the action logs.

However, make sure to:

  • protect your GPG signing key and passphrase as encrypted GitHub secrets, and only provide them directly to the action's inputs.
  • use a GPG signing key that you are comfortable storing and using within GitHub's infrastructure.


This is an open source project open to anyone. This project welcomes contributions and suggestions!

Feedback & Questions

If you discover an issue, please report it on our Jira at


Apache 2.0, See LICENSE for more information.