This is a simple library built on top of ant-design and react-hook-form That will generate an ant design form when given a valid schema.
npm install antd-form-generator
yarn add antd-form-generator
The Schema
import FormGenerator from "antd-form-generator";
type: "text",
name: "firstName",
defaultValue: "Simon",
required: true,
placeholder: "First name",
label: "First name",
fieldProps: { disabled: false },
validation: {
required: true,
errorMessage: "Please make sure your input is correct",
validate: value => value.toString().startsWith("A")
type: "number",
name: "age",
required: true,
defaultValue: 21,
placeholder: "Age",
label: "Age",
fieldProps: { disabled: false, style: { width: 300 } },
validation: {
required: true,
errorMessage: "Please make sure your input is correct"
onSubmit={data => {
// api call done here
renderFooter={handleSubmit => (
<button className="button" onClick={() => handleSubmit()}>
The form schema should be structured like this
The following are all the available types of form-fields. ...*
- text
- number
- money
- percent
- select
- textarea
- custom
- datepicker
- radio **
You can pass
type: "text", // type of field
name: "firstName", // name
defaultValue: "Simon", // default value for the input.
required: true,
placeholder: "First name",
label: "First name",
fieldProps: { disabled: false }, // ant design props.
validation: { // validation object needs to be passed like this.
required: true,
errorMessage: "Please make sure your input is correct",
validate: value => value.toString().startsWith("A") // You can also pass a custom validation function.
type: "radio",
name: "gender",
options: ["Male", "Female"], // this is an array of options for the radio.
defaultValue: "Female",
placeholder: "Gender",
required: true,
label: "Gender",
validation: {
required: true,
errorMessage: "Please make sure your input is correct"
groupProps: { buttonStyle: "outline", size: "large" },
// prop for the options container like
<Radio.Group {...field.groupProps}><Radio /></Radio.Group>
<Select {...field.groupProps}><Option /></Select>
fieldProps: { // This one is for the individual options.
disabled: false,
style: { width: 150, textAlign: "center" }
There are two props that we can pass to the component for styling
// the following props are best suited to do the form layout.
innerClassName={"fields-container"} // wraps all inputs
outerClassName={"form-container"} // wraps the whole form including the submit button passed as a render prop
Other than that, we can pass a style object to each field inside the fieldProps object like
type: "number",
name: "age",
fieldProps: {style: { width: 300, backgroundColor:"lightgrey", height:50, border:"none" } }
Submitting form
The submitFormAsync prop takes a function that gets the user's inputs as an argument.
onSubmit={data => {
// user's valid inputs. this function won't get fired unless all validations have passed.
*Submit Button
Submit Button is passed as a renderProp through a prop named: renderFooter This will allow you to have a button of any type, with your own customized styling and layout. Only exposing the click handler function for you.
renderFooter={handleSubmit => (
<MyButton onClick={() => handleSubmit()}>Submit Form</MyButton>
Whenever you have a form field that you want to render conditionally based on another input's value, you can add a property
on the schema of that field. After that, add a conditons property that expects an array of "condition objects". A Condition Object has two properties. "when" and "is".
if we had this condition object{when:"firstName", is:"Simon"}
then, that field would only render if the field "firstName" has a value of "Simon".
type: "textarea",
name: "licenseName",
isConditional: true,
conditions: [{ when: "age", is: 18 }],
fieldProps: {
placeholder: "Name/Address/Company on License",
style: { ...inputStyle, height: 120 }
validation: {
required: true,
errorMessage: "Please make sure you added a valid license name"
This above field will render only when age is 18. You can add a number of conditoins to the array and the field would only render if all conditions pass.
Props | description |
formSchema | The json or array of objects of form structure |
outerClassName | a className for the the element that wraps the form fields and the submit button |
innerClassName | a className for the fields container. Usually used to layout the form fields |
onSubmit | submitHandler for the form. Gets the user's valid inputs as an argument |
renderFooter | takes the submit button component as a renderProp. Example is shown above. |