TicraUtilities - Tools for working with TICRA-compatible files and data objects in the Julia language
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is a package to facilitate working with TICRA-compatible files and data objects in the Julia language. TICRA is a Danish company specializing in antenna analysis and synthesis software. Their products for analysis and design of reflector antennas (and associated feed structures) are widely regarded as standards in the antenna community. As a result, the file formats defined and used by TICRA software have also become de facto industry standards.
This package provides utilities in the Julia programming language for
- Reading, writing, and plotting TICRA-compatible cut (.cut) files.
- Reading and writing spherical wave expansion (.sph) files.
- Converting cut files to and from spherical wave expansion files.
- Reading and writing tabulated electrical properties (TEP) files, both the original scattering surface format introduced in GRASP8, and the newer periodic unit cell format, introduced in QUPES.
- Bidirectional conversion between old and new TEP types.
- Reading, parsing, and writing TICRA Object Repository (.tor) files.
- Reading and writing so-called "station" (.stn) files.
- Reading and writing array excitation (.exi) files.
- Reading and writing "surface" (.sfc) files.
- And more...
You can obtain TicraUtilities using Julia's Pkg REPL-mode (hitting ]
as the first character of the command prompt):
(v1.10) pkg> add TicraUtilities
(and then hitting <Backspace>
to return to the REPL), or with using Pkg; Pkg.add("TicraUtilities")
- Check out the tutorial video
- The user manual for the current release is here
- The user manual for the the development version is here
- If there are features you'd like to see added, or if you have other suggestions or questions, please open an issue.
- Pull Requests (PRs) are also welcome!
- Version 1.1: Added functions to read and write TEP files, and convert between old and new TEP file formats.
- Version 1.2: Added functions
. Several bug fixes. - Version 1.3: Added function
now accepts symmetric cuts and cuts with 3 polarization slots.