To develop and run the application locally you must have the following installed:
- Java JDK 8
- Maven 3
- NodeJS
Create the database locally by running the scripts found in ripple-database/src/main/resources/sql/legacy.
These are to be run in the order specified in the following file:
Install the JavaScript package manager NodeJS:
Install Grunt, the JavaScript task runner. You may need to be root user:
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Install all packages used in the Ripple project. If you are prompted to select a version of AngularJS, select v1.3.12:
cd webapp && bower install
Update Bower:
cd webapp && bower update
Update NodeJS:
cd webapp && npm update
Install Java Development Kit 8:
Install Maven 3:
Ensure that the system environment variables for Java and Maven are set correctly, as described below...
M2_HOME should point to the install directory of your local Maven install folder, e.g.
M2_HOME C:\Maven\apache-maven-3.3.3
JAVA_HOME should point to the install directory of your local Java JDK install folder, e.g.
JAVA_HOME C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_65
PATH should contain the bin directory of both M2_HOME and JAVA_HOME, e.g.
Ensure that you have a context file located in the root directory of the project. This file contains configuration
which is vital to the application. You can copy the a fully working example of one, which is located here:
Open up a shell and navigate to the project root directory. Use the following command to build and start the development server for the Java API:
mvn clean package -Pwebapp:run
If you're experiencing build errors, execute the following commands:
java -version
mvn -version
If they do not return a suitable response, ensure that your JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME system environment variables are pointing to the correct install directory, and that the \bin directories within them are on your PATH system environment variable.
Now that the server is running, open up a second shell and serve the web assets. This will also watch for changes:
cd webapp && grunt serve
For a full tutorial on how to deploy the application, read the following article: