🚧 This repo is a work in progress!
This repository contains a collection of personal scripts designed to streamline the setup process for Windows 11. The scripts automate various tasks such as system configuration, software installations and optimizations to enhance my Windows experience.
Feel free contribute or adapt the scripts to your personal needs!
For a fresh install, download the latest repo archive & extract the archive
- Change to your preferred directory and
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile;Expand-Archive -Path .\
- Change to your preferred directory and
Change to the script directory
cd .\scripts\win11-setup-main\
& run the script in an elevated PowerShell (depending on your version used)- PowerShell 7+:
- PowerShell <= 5:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\setup.ps1
- PowerShell 7+:
⚙️ Applications
- installs the latest Windows Package Manager (WinGet)
- installs some esential packages essential_apps.csv
- 7zip
- Chromium
- Firefox
- KeePassXC
- PowerShell
- PowerToys
- VisualStudioCode
- WindowsTerminal
- OhMyPosh
- Notepad++
- enables auto-updates on system startup for WinGet packages
- installs some esential packages essential_apps.csv
- installs the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) (Default Linux distribution is Ubuntu)
💩 Bloatware
- removes common bloatware applications (bloatware_apps.csv)
🧱 Telemetry
- disables basic telemetry
- disables AI Recall
- disables Copilot
- disables Spotlight, Tips and Suggestions
- disables automatic app installs
🛠️ Customization
- sets taskbar settings
- Start menu alignment to left
- removes Task View from the Taskbar
- removes Widgets from the Taskbar
- removes Chat from the Taskbar
- removes search from the Taskbar
- sets explorer settings
- show hidden files
- show file extensions
- launch the Explorer to "This PC"
- restore classic context menu
- disable lock screen tips
- removes shortcuts from applications on desktop
- Oh my Posh
- install
JetBrains Mono
font- set as default font for Windows Terminal
- change PowerShell prompt & sets the unicorn theme
- install
- To alec-hs/windows-11-setup - for the good collection and the first idea for structuring my project.
- To Raphire/Win11Debloat - for the detailed information regarding telemetry and bloatware
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.