To retrieve the learning path, you can either
git clone
This will create a new directory in the folder you executed the git clone from.
Click on Code
in the gitlab repository overview and select one of the archive formats to download the entire repository. You then have to decompress the downloaded archive file with a tool like 7zip and are ready to go!
Note: The chapter
has moved to a separate repository. You can access the repository and the presentation via the following links:
For the interactive slides, you need to have a few software packages installed to your PC:
- nodejs (which also installs npm) here you can download the installer for node.js for Windows
- (how to install it, is described below)
You can install using the command in a terminal
npm install --global reveal-md
Please note that this will install 3rd party executable files to your PC.
For starting the slides, please navigate into the respective directory in the command line
cd ./00_introduction
and execute the command
apax present
This will start reveal-md with the slides of the section you navigated to.
This learning path is supposed to be a living document and be adjusted to your needs, the needs of your customers and the development of AX itself.
To improve the slides we are in need of feedback from you, as everything with AX it is a community effort! To provide the feedback, please add an issue where you describe, what you want us to change or where there is a mistake.
Of course you can always do it yourself and send us a merge request!
In case of questions or further discussions, feel free to get in contact with one of our CODEOWNERS