I am using the BeagleBone Green Wireless with the Grove Connector at UART2
More info. about the board can be found here:
If you are not going to create the data logger like at the bottom section of this tutorial, please
use this bit of source after handling the restarting of the gpsd.service
#! /usr/bin/python3
example Python gpsd client
run this way: python3 example1.py.txt
import gps # the gpsd interface module
session = gps.gps(mode=gps.WATCH_ENABLE)
while 0 == session.read():
if not (gps.MODE_SET & session.valid):
# not useful, probably not a TPV message
print('Mode: %s(%d) Time: ' %
(("Invalid", "NO_FIX", "2D", "3D")[session.fix.mode],
session.fix.mode), end="")
# print time, if we have it
if gps.TIME_SET & session.valid:
print(session.fix.time, end="")
print('n/a', end="")
if ((gps.isfinite(session.fix.latitude) and
print(" Lat %.6f Lon %.6f" %
(session.fix.latitude, session.fix.longitude))
print(" Lat n/a Lon n/a")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# got a ^C. Say bye, bye
# Got ^C, or fell out of the loop. Cleanup, and leave.
That source can be found at https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/gpsd-client-example-code.html
Yes sir!
Use python3 or chmod 0755 YourPython.py
file and restart the gpsd.service file like so: sudo systemctl restart gpsd.service
This way, the client is rebooted and can now be used w/ a simple ./YourPython.py
The kml wrapper in the GPS_data directory can be used as is in GoogleEarth for displaying your location and your path taken.
Also, that other file, the .txt file in the GPS_data directory, will fill with your location or past locations when you run the GPS.py file on your BeagleBone Green Wireless (WIP w/ gpsd)...
In theory, you can set up a .service file to run on boot so that the GPS.py file runs and follows you constantly.
I have a Grove Connector GPS device on the UART2 channel on the BBGW by BeagleBoard.org
and Seeed-Studio. Once upon a time, the two of those entities came together to produce this
BBBW but w/ the Green heading for some reason. Although different, it works and it is a nice
The Grove GPS and BBGW are located in the files of photos. Enjoy...
P.S. That is all for now. Oh!
a file for /etc/systemd/system/GPS.service
is found below for starting your service...
Description=GPS .bash Script to Handle Movement
and then... GPS.sh
sudo gpsd /dev/ttyS2 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
sleep 60
sudo gpspipe -r -d -l -o /home/debian/data/data.400.nmea
and then... config.sh
config-pin p9.21 uart
config-pin p9.22 uart
sudo systemctl restart gpsd.service
Then...change /etc/default/gpsd
w/ the grove GPS for the BBGW, use /dev/ttyS2
There will be more options, esp. when looking at gpsd, to pick from currently.
Oh and I learned those commands and about GPSBabel from this online community:
If you need to go into specifics, go ahead or stick around for updates to this journey!