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Low Level Programming

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Low Level Programming Materials

These projects are freely available for use in in your learning process. The program in this Repo are written main in C, Shell and small HTML.


  1. 0x00- C - hello_world
  2. 0x01- C - variables_if_else_while
  3. 0x02- C - functions_nested_loops
  4. 0x03- C - debugging
  5. 0x04- C - more_functions_nested_loops
  6. 0x05- C - pointers_arrays_strings
  7. 0x06- C - More pointers, arrays and strings
  8. 0x07- C - Even more pointers, arrays and strings
  9. 0x08- C - Recursion
  10. 0x09- C - static_libraries
  11. 0x0A- C - argc_argv
  12. 0x0B- C - malloc_free
  13. 0x0C- C - more_malloc_free
  14. 0x0D- C - preprocessor
  15. 0x0E- C - structures_typedef
  16. 0x0F- C - function_pointers
  17. 0x10- C - variadic_functions
  18. 0x11- C - printf
  19. 0x12- C - singly_linked_lists
  20. 0x13- C - more_singly_linked_lists
  21. 0x14- C - bit_manipulation
  22. 0x15- C - file_io
  23. 0x17- Doubly linked lists
  24. 0x18- Dynamic libraries
  25. 0x1A- Hash tables
  26. 0x1C- Makefiles
  27. 0x1E- Search algorithms


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Git must be installed on your operating system.

Run Locally

To run these materials locally, run this command on your git bash:

Linux and macOS:

sudo git clone


git clone


This project is licensed under the MIT.