Sil-Q 1.4.2
This release makes a number of changes, which can be read in detail here.
In short:
- Feedback from Scatha's review of Sil-Q has been incorporated.
- The Songs tree has been substantially overhauled, some new songs have been added, and some existing songs are cheaper.
- Melee has a new skill replacing Anticipate - Smite - and the order of the skills has been adjusted so less powerful skills such as Impale and Whirlwind Attack come earlier in the tree.
- Archery has a number of skill changes as it remained somewhat overpowered, and bow dice have also been changed for longbows and dragon-horn bows. Arrows are found in smaller quantities, but break less often than before. This should make inventory a little less tight for archers.
- Items have undergone a number of changes.
- Various smithing tweaks have been made. Among these, damage sides have been removed from rings and gloves and abilities are cheaper to smith onto artifacts than before.
- Morgoth is easier to kill. His regeneration and HP have been greatly reduced, but he has more protection than he did previously and hits more accurately and harder.
- Elves now get a free song skill and a bonus to archery instead of a free archery skill and a bonus to swordfighting.
The attached ZIP file has Windows binaries.
Good luck.