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Release v1.13.0

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@angelbarrera92 angelbarrera92 released this 15 Sep 05:33

Monitoring Core Module version 1.13.0

fury-kubernetes-monitoring is part of the SIGHUP maintained Kubernetes Fury Distribution. The module ships all necessary components to deploy monitoring tools on top of Kubernetes primarily based off of prometheus. Team SIGHUP makes it a priority to maintain these modules in compliance with CNCF and with all the latest features from upstream.

This release introduces the support for Kubernetes runtime 1.22 and drops support for 1.18. Refer the Compatibility Matrix for more.


Breaking changes



  • #71 Upgrading the component images:
    • Prometheus Operator from 0.48.1 to 0.50.0
    • Prometheus from 2.22.2 to 2.29.1
    • Grafana from 7.5.7 to 8.1.2
    • kube-proxy-metrics 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
    • node-exporter 1.1.2 to 1.2.2
    • Thanos 0.20.2 to 0.22.0
    • x509-exporter 2.9.2 to 2.11.0
  • #70 Adding support for Kubernetes 1.22 in e2e tests
  • #71 Remove CPUThrottlingHigh as it was previously removed
  • #71 Prometheus ruleSelector defaults to all rules
  • #71 Updating the CRDs to v1 version and minor fixes to alerts
  • #72 Syncing the dashboards with kube-prometheus
  • #72 Adding podDisruptionBudget for alertmanager and prometheus
  • #72 Adding alertmanager dashboard

Bug fixes


Security Fixes


Documentation updates

  • #65 Add a note for PING_NUMBER env var of Goldpinger. Thanks to @beratio

Known Issues

When applying the first time, prometheus-operator and prometheus-operated has circular dependency. So make sure to apply both of them twice.

Upgrade Guide


  • It is noted that the Networking dashboards tend to take a bit longer upon the first setup to update data.
  • The upgrade process should be faily smooth.


To upgrade this core module from v1.12.X to v1.13.0, you need to download this new version, then apply the
kustomize project. No further action is required.

kustomize build katalog/prometheus-operator | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/prometheus-operated | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/node-exporter | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/metrics-server | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/kubeadm-sm | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/kube-state-metrics | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/kube-proxy-metrics | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/grafana | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/goldpinger | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/gke-sm | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/eks-sm | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/alertmanager-operated | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build katalog/aks-sm | kubectl apply -f -