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CORE-Bench Overview

CORE-Bench is a benchmark evaluating the ability of agents to computationally reproduce scientific papers. It comprises 270 tasks from 90 papers across computer science, social science, and medicine, written in Python or R.

To successfully complete a task, the agent must read the task prompt and questions, navigate through the code repository to install dependencies, run the code to genereate results, and read through the code results to answer the task questions.

Local Image

You can find the CORE-Bench paper here and view the dataset here.

Harness Description

This harness allows you to easily evaluate your own agents, or the AutoGPT and CORE-Bench agents, on the CORE-Bench dataset. The harness runs agents in an isolated environment, automatically creating and deleting VMs on Azure for each task. The harness also provides a simple interface for adding new agents to the benchmark.

If you are interested in generating figures and tables from the CORE-Bench paper, please see the benchmark/paper_figures.ipynb notebook.

Installation and Setup

The harness has been tested with Python 3.9. Clone the repository and install the required packages:

git clone && cd core-bench
conda create --name core-bench python=3.9
conda activate core-bench
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, you will need to decrypt benchmark/dataset/core_test.json.gpg to access the CORE-Bench test set. The password for the GPG file is reproducibility. To decrypt the file, run the following command:

gpg --output benchmark/dataset/core_test.json --decrypt benchmark/dataset/core_test.json.gpg

Note that the dataset JSON files contain the task prompts, task questions, and some other metadata for each task, not the associated code repositories. The harness automatically downloads the code repositories for each task from, where XXXXXXX is the capsule_id.

Azure Setup (FAQ here)

It is strongly reccomended that you run agents on Azure VMs by including the --use_azure flag when running the benchmark (we plan on supporting additional cloud environments soon). However, you must install and configure the Azure CLI to do so.

First, install the Azure CLI and log in to your Azure account by running azd auth login.

Next, create a file in the root of the repository with Azure credentials and the path to a SSH key. The file should look like this:

SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH = "/Users/XXX/.ssh/"
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = "/Users/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa"

The harness runs on Standard_E2as_v5 and Standard_NC4as_T4_v3 machine types for non-GPU and GPU tasks, respectively. The harness will automatically create a new VM for each task and delete the VM once the task has been completed.

You may need to request a quota increase for the Standard_NC4as_T4_v3 machine type if you plan on running GPU tasks.

For a FAQ on setting up Azure, please see the Azure FAQ. if you are having any trouble, feel free to reach out to us.

Local Setup

For debugging purposes only, you can run the benchmark locally. However, this approach is not reccomended because the benchmark does not run in an isolated environment when ran locally. Therefore, any libraries or dependencies the agent installs will affect your machine and persist across tasks, and the agent has access all files on the machine running the benchmark.

We are working on implementing a Docker container for the harness to run in an isolated environment and plan on releasing this soon.

Running the Harness

To run the AutoGPT and CORE-Bench agents, you will also need to add your OpenAI API keys to the agents/AutoGPT-CORE/autogpt/.env file. A template for this file can be found at agents/AutoGPT-CORE/autogpt/.env.template.

To run CORE-Agent (gpt-4o) on the first two tasks of the CORE-Bench test set at Hard difficulty, run the following command:

python3 \
    --experiment_name test_coreagent_gpt4o_c-4 \
    --agent_dir agents/AutoGPT-CORE \
    --dataset_file benchmark/dataset/core_test.json \
    --use_azure \
    --task_limit 2 \
    --benchmark_level codeocean_hard \

Full details for reproducing the results of the CORE-Bench paper can be found in the script.

Adding New Agents

To add a new agent to the harness, create a new directory in the agents directory with the name of the agent. The directory should contain a Bash script that that harness can invoke to start the agent, which is specified in the --agent_script flag (e.g.

When the harness runs the agent, it will automatically copy all files within the agent directory directly into the base directory. In addition, the harness will create an environment directory within the base directory that contains the task prompt and task questions (task.txt) and the code repository of the associated task (capsule-XXXXXXX).:

[agent files]


Therefore, your agent must read the task.txt file to get the task prompt and questions and navigate through the capsule-XXXXXXX directory to carry out the task.

Submitting Answers

Once the agent has completed the task, it should write the answer to a file named report.json in the environment directory. The keys of the JSON object should be the task questions, and the values should be the answers. For example:

    "Report the HyperETA MAPE with no DTW.": 17.374344500709498,
    "Report the HyperETA RMSE with no DTW.": 459.7782074000463,
    "Report the HyperETA MAE with no DTW.": 323.0

The harness will automatically terminate the task once the --agent_script (e.g. has completed. Therefore, the agent should write the report.json file once it has finished the task.

Debugging and Logging

If you wish to log any additional information (e.g. agent output, debugging information) for the harness to download after the agent has completed the task, write this information to a file named task_completed.log in the base directory (not the environment directory). Creating the task_completed.log file signals to the harness that the agent has completed the task. Therefore, do not create this file until the agent has finished the task, otherwise the harness may terminate the task prematurely.


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