bundle install
shotgun -p 3000 -o
- Visit
in your browser
Layout generated from
- authenticate useing youtube logins
- ability to change quality, 360p 480p etc
- fast forward button / rewind functionality, link to keybord shortcuts (disablekb=0)
Spacebar: Play / Pause
Arrow Left: Jump back 5s in the current video
Arrow Right: Jump ahead 5s in the current video
Arrow Up: Volume up 5%
Arrow Down: Volume Down 5%
enablejsapi allows you to enable the Javascript API to control the YouTube player. If you need this parameter (which is “1” to enable and “0” by default incidentally)
- refractor the code
- improve algorithm (need refractor)
- need refractor for real deployment, remember to remove DEVELOPER_KEY from source code (look at dotenv gem)
- BUG in <%= str=video[:video_title_game]; str.match(/[Gg]ame (\d+)/).captures[0].to_i - 1 unless str.nil? %>, IF THERE IS GAME 1, 3, 4 then it wont match the db (ONLY APPLICABLE FOR SPY VIEW) (IE NEED TO VALIDATE THE GAME NUMBERS BEFORE ENTERING THE DB)