This project is built my love for Cricket. React project to bring to notice the various aspects of the tightly battled series over the years. The project delivers: top scorers, most dismissals against, comprehensive year-wise scorehead, legends corner and search & navigate. Responsive front-end is created using Material UI.
Libraries, frameworks, hooks used: Nivocharts, ReactRouterDOM, MaterialUI.
is obtained from Cricinfo and hardcoded into the data file.
Assets: folder has indices.json file which contains an index of the links to be navigated.
Components: folder has all the individual pieces that are arranged on various webpages (includig the SideBar that stays common on all the pages) .
Pages: folder has all the individual pages of the app.
Data: folder contains the data.js file, components import data from this file.
The project is deployed on here and hosted at Netlify.