2016-2018 Boris Pek <tehnick-8@yandex.ru>
MIT (Expat)
This project provides Web UI for Sibuserv build server. Together they form typical continuous integration system.
Sibuserv Web UI supported features:
- Visual indication of state of projects.
- Convenient navigation: projects list, built versions, results of builds, etc..
- Simple access to build results: assembled programs, logs of builds, logs of static code analyser, etc..
- Flexible management of user access permissions in projects for authorized and unauthorized users.
- Support of website localization
- ...
Sibuserv CI supported features, unsupported features and future plans:
Task | Status | Priority | Comment |
Trigger | ✔ / ✘ | low | Daemon regularly (with a fixed period of time) checks changes of project. Triggers for testing of merge requests are not supported yet. |
Update | ✔ | hight | Currently supported version control systems: git, subversion and mercurial repositories (with native tools or with help of git-svn and git-remote-hg) |
Analyse | ✔ | hight | Only cppcheck static code analyzer is supported for now. Clang Static Analyzer and PVS-Studio are in plans. |
Build | ✔ | hight | Supported target systems: GNU/Linux, MS Windows, Android. Supported projects: qmake-, cmake- and autotools-based. |
UnitTest | ✘ | medium | In plans. |
Deploy | ✘ | none | Usefulness of this function is questionable in our case. |
Test | ✘ | low | In far plans. |
Archive | ✔ | hight | User may download built binaries or *.zip archives (if project installs a number of files) by one mouse click at page with results of build. |
Report | ✘ | medium | In plans. |
For information how to install and how to use Sibuserv Web UI see files INSTALL and HOWTO.
Localization files are managed using Transifex web servise.