Username: shuangpan5217, RenanEtAl
Project 5. Medical treatment: sound therapy and counseling.Keep track of treatment methods applied to patients during their visits to the clinic. The medical protocol for TRT includes sound therapy (treatment using sound generators and other instruments), real-ear measurement (REM) used to fit the instruments, and counseling provided to patients. Implement requirements: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 3.10-3.12, 1.11.5, 3.13.5. Sample tables: Visit, Instrumentation, REM, Counseling, Reference tables: Instrument type, Instrument model, Instrument category.
1.7 Instrument Screen -
1.8 REM Screen
1.9 Counseling Screen
3.10 Add Instrumentation details-
3.11 Add REM details
3.12 Add Counseling details
1.11.5 Sound Instruments Data
3.13.5 Add/edit Instrument Data-\
quiz commit - renanie
quiz commit - shuang