The only dependency for running these examples is Docker Compose.
Once Docker Compose is installed, you can start the local Kafka cluster using the following command:
$ docker-compose -f kafka-single-broker.yml up --d
Now, log into the broker, since this is where we will be running our commands.
$ docker-compose exec kafka bash
Once you're logged into the broker, run the following command to create a topic called foobar
$ kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--create \
--partitions 1 \
--replication-factor 1 \
--topic foobar
- Create topics
using above command
Once you've created the foobar
topic, you can describe it using the following command:
$ kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--describe \
--topic foobar
The following command will allow you to produce data to the foobar
topic that we created earlier. Run the following to be dropped into a prompt:
$ kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--property key.separator=, \
--property parse.key=true \
--topic foobar
Once you are in the prompt, produce a few records. Keys and values are separated by ,
, and you'll need to hit <Enter>
on your keyboard after each row.
When you are finished, press Control-C
on your keyboard to exit the prompt.
Run the following command to consume the data we just produced to the foobar
topic in the section above.
$ kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic foobar \
You should see the following output:
gradlew bootRun
Once you are done, log out of the broker by typing exit
and run the following command to tear down the local Kafka cluster:
docker-compose down