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In Computer science, an algorithm is a sequence of instructions/Steps typically used to solve a class of problems or perform a computational task.

These are some of the common Algorithms


  1. Quick Sort
  2. Merge Sort
  3. Insertion Sort
  4. Heap Sort
  5. Bucket Sort
  6. Radix Sort
  7. Tim Sort
  8. Counting Sort
  9. Selection Sort
  10. Topological Sort


  1. Linear search
  2. Binary Search
  3. Interpolation Search

Divide and Conqur

  1. Maximum Subarray

Graph Algorithm

Breadth First Search

  1. Breadth First Search

Depth First Search

  1. Depth First Search

Minimum Spanning Tree

  1. Prim's Algorithm
  2. Kruskal's Algorithm

Shortest Path

  1. Dijkstras Algorithm
  2. Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  3. Floyd- Warshall Algorithm

Strongly Connected Component

  1. Kosaraju's Algorithm
  2. 2SAT problem

Topological Sorting

  1. Topological Sort
  2. Cycle Detection

Paths and Circuit

  1. Eulerian paths
  2. Hamiltonian paths
  3. De Bruijn sequences
  4. Knight’s tours
  5. Bipartite Graph

Flows and cuts

1 Ford–Fulkerson algorithm 2 Disjoint paths

Greedy Algorithm

  1. Knapsack problem
  2. Huffman's Encoding
  3. Job Scheduling with deadline
  4. Prim's Algorithm
  5. Kruskal's Algorithm

Recursion and Backtracking

  1. Subset:- Java
  2. Subset 2 :- Java

Dynamic Programming

O/1 Knapsack

  1. 0/1 KnapSack - Using Strategy Design Pattern

Longest Common Subsequence

  1. Longest Common Subsequence
  2. Edit Distance

Unbounded Knapsack

Matrix Chain Multiplication


  1. Fibonacci Number
  2. Maximum Subarray- Kadane's Algorithm
  3. Sum of Subset

String Matching Algorithms

  1. KMP (Knuth Morris Pratt) Algorithm
  2. Kabin Karp Algorithm

Mathematical Algorithms

  1. Prime Number - Seive of eratosthenes
    Project Euler #7: 10001st prime-Solution in Java - Timeout at Testcase 4 and Testcase 5

NP Problems

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