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Slack bot used with piClicker for Wireless Capture the flag and hunting foxes


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Related to project:


AWS Profile

Setup a profile in ~/.aws/credentials


aws_access_key_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

setup virtualenv (assumes bash)


source ./venv/bin/activate

pre-setup (2) two elastic ips and make a note of their id's


Setup & Teardown of the bot environment

Setting up DB / VPC

Run the command: (this will likely take ~20 minutes to complete, mostly due to RDS setup)

./env_setup/ --environment dev --profile personal --eip1 eipalloc-xxxxxxxx --eip2 eipalloc-xxxxxxxx --acl

for more flags issue ./env_setup/ -h

Tearing it down

1.) Delete contents of created bucket 2.) Go to cloudformation, delete stack with the label previously assigned in the setup_lambda_rds command

Setting up the DB / tables

./env_setup/ init --environment dev --sql_user mysqluser

Editing environment settings

using example in ./env_setup/dev.json

set connection_type to "mysql_rds"

  • "connection_type" : "mysql_rds"

generate random token

  • "ctftoken" : "Q4stYvFUQJV0bewIvcuwILD2X0j12IVPbg7dHzsy"

set empty events line, see Zappa documentation on the format of the events array

  • "events": []

set the default log level - can be any log level logging.setLevel(*) understands

  • "log_level": 'DEBUG'

set team_id

slack bot setup

Enable callback (will be disabled after)

edit and set ENABLE_CALLBACK to True

fill out credentials in ./env_setup/dev.json

  • "slack_client_id"
  • "slack_client_secret"
  • "slack_signing_secret"
  • "slack_verification_token"
  • Get App Credential Values

create exception logging channel and webhook

  • Create channel #lambda_bot_exceptions
  • setup webhook for exceptions
    • enter value for key "exception_hook_url" in ./env_setup/dev.json
    • Webhook Graphic

deploy slack bot lambda

  • insert gpg key fingerprint (no spaces) into ./env_setup/gpg.recipients
  • run ./env_setup/
    • this will generate the zappa_config.json and encrypt the config's secrets for storage in source control (if desired)
  • run ./ and source ./venv/bin/active to prep environment
  • zappa deploy, make note of the URL for next steps
    • Zappa Deploy Graphic

enable bot account

  • Enable Bot Account

set callback url

  • enter callback url with ext /callback i.e.
  • Set Callback URL

set permissions

  • Set Permissions

set api token usage to the two EIP's defined previously

  • Set API EIP's

install to workspace by clicking the "Add to Slack" button

  • Add to workspace
    • Click Add to Slack for workspace
  • Set Default bot channel
    • Add bot default channel
  • verify the authdata is there with the command: zappa invoke scheduled_tasks.show_authed_teams
    • you should see a json output with the newly created auth data!

backup authdata (set with callback)

  • run: ./env_setup/ export -e dev -d ./env_setup
  • move the file to ./env_setup/authed-data.json, and edit out all tables other than authed_data

enable form / menu interactive components

  • enter base url for request component url /form i.e.
  • enter base url for options load url /menu i.e.
  • Set Interactive Component URLs

create "slash" command

  • enter base url with extension /cmd i.e.
  • Set Slash Command URL's

Disable Callback

edit and set ENABLE_CALLBACK to False

  • update environment by issuing: zappa update dev

Test bot operation with add command

  • Test bot with Add command

Example Configs

environment config (dev.json.gpg)

    "dbport" : "3306",
    "slack_client_secret" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "igwsub1" : "subnet-xxxxxxxa",
    "igwsub2" : "subnet-xxxxxxxb",
    "s3bucket" : "wctf-vpc-rds-vpc-xxxxxxxx",
    "profile_name" : "myprofile",
    "connection_type" : "mysql_rds",
    "slack_client_id" : "000000000000.000000000000",
    "sql_password" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "sglambda" : "sg-xxxxxxxx",
    "log_level" : "DEBUG",
    "slack_verification_token" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "master_password" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "sql_user" : "normal_user",
    "sgrdsinternal" : "sg-xxxxxxxa",
    "sgrdsexternal" : "sg-xxxxxxxb",
    "vpc" : "vpc-xxxxxxxx",
    "slack_signing_secret" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "dbinstance" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "base_name" : "wctf-vpc-rds",
    "exception_hook_url": "",
    "endpoint_address" : "",
    "privsub1" : "subnet-xxxxxxxa",
    "privsub2" : "subnet-xxxxxxxb",
    "region" : "us-east-2",
    "master_user" : "master_user",
    "ctftoken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "events": [
            "function": "scheduled_tasks.show_countdown",
            "expression": "cron(0 19 * * ? *)"

authdata restore config

example ./env_setup/authdata-dev.json

    "db_wctf" : {
        "slack_authed_teams" : [
                "team_id" : "TXXXXXXXX",
                "team_json" : {
                    "py/object" : "sqlalchemy.ext.mutable.MutableDict",
                    "py/state" : {
                        "team_id" : "TXXXXXXXX",
                        "ok" : true,
                        "scope" : "identify,bot,commands,incoming-webhook",
                        "access_token" : "xoxp-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                        "user_id" : "UXXXXXXXX",
                        "team_name" : "Super Awesome WCTF Team",
                        "bot" : {
                            "bot_user_id" : "UXXXXXXXX",
                            "bot_access_token" : "xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                        "incoming_webhook" : {
                            "url" : "",
                            "channel_id" : "CXXXXXXXX",
                            "channel" : "#lambda_bot_exceptions",
                            "configuration_url" : ""


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