A fullstack web app build with MERN stack [mongo, express, react, node]
still under development demo will be available soon.
- Secure Authentication
- Hashed password
- items
- cart
- orders
use you package manager npm, yarn to install the packages, (i use npm)
// first clone the github repo to you local machine // open cmd and create an empty folder named "spotin"
git clone https://github.com/shobky/spotin.git
wait for it to clone then download the packages for the server and the client
// open backend folder
cd backend
// install packages with npm
npm i
// open front end
cd frontend
npm i
now every thing should be ready all you need to do is start the app
// in the backend folder start the node server. you can find the scripts in the package.json file
npm start
// will start on port 5000 by default
// same for frontend to start the react app
npm start
// will start on port 3000 by default
Final steps is to create a new file in the backend folder root directory should be just on top of app.js file then you will add 1- your mongodb first user password 2- the jwt secret key
// inside .env file
MONGODB_PASSWORORD = th1s_should_be_y0ur_pa55word
JWT_SECRET_KEY = th1s_should_be_y0ur_Secr3t_KeY
then open app.js file and change the mangoDB uri to you own
// app.js
// change this string
you can find you own string by going to mongodb website, create a cluster then click connect and choose connect to an app. now every thing should be working..