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This repository aims to establish and promote standardized iOS coding practices for developers. It serves as a reference guide to write clean, maintainable, and scalable Swift code for iOS applications.

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This repository aims to establish and promote standardized iOS coding practices for developers. It serves as a reference guide to write clean, maintainable, and scalable Swift code for iOS applications.

1. Extension that allows tasks to leverage AnyCancellable, enabling them to be automatically cancelled when their caller is deinitialized.

import Combine
extension Task {
    func eraseToAnyCancellable() -> AnyCancellable {
    func store(in set: inout Set<AnyCancellable>) {

2. Write documention for each Parameter, Throws, and Returns.

/*Repeats a string `times` times.

- Parameter str:   The string to repeat.
- Parameter times: The number of times to repeat `str`.

- Throws: `MyError.InvalidTimes` if the `times` parameter 
    is less than zero.

- Returns: A new string with `str` repeated `times` times.
func repeatString(str: String, times: Int) throws -> String {
    guard times >= 0 else { throw MyError.InvalidTimes }
    return Repeat(count: 5, repeatedValue: "Hello").joinWithSeparator("")

3. Structure of a Class file:

  • Using MARK: comment is a great way to group your methods, especially in view controllers.
import SomeExternalFramework

//MARK: Protocols declarations
//Protocol name should be end purpose of protocol
//ex: FooDelegate , FooDataSource
protocol ProtocolNameDelegate {
    func foo(param1: String, param2: Bool)

Documentation for the class/file

class MyViewcontroller : UIViewController{

    //MARK: Delegate initialization
    var delegate: ProtocolNameDelegate?
    //MARK: Outlets
    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
    @IBOutlet weak var btnSubmit: UIButton!
    // Custom initializers go here
    private let fooStringConstant = "FooConstant"
    private let floatConstant = 1234.5

    // MARK: View Lifecycle
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // ...
     override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        // ...

    // MARK: User Interaction - Actions & Targets
    //Add OnClick as prefix along with same outlet name for button actions
    @IBAction func btnSubmitOnClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // ...
    func foobarButtonTapped() {
        // ...
    // MARK: Additional Helpers
    private func displayNameForFoo(foo: Foo) {
        // ...

// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
extension MyViewcontroller: UITableViewDataSource {
  // Table view data source methods

// MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
extension MyViewcontroller: UIScrollViewDelegate {
  // Scroll view delegate methods

//MARK: Extension - Name of extension class
 - Documentation for purpose of extension
extension SomeOtherClass: UIViewController {
    func foobar(foobar: Foobar, somethingWithFoo foo: Foo) {
        // ...

4. Error Handling:

  • Forced-try Expression
    • Avoid using the forced-try expression: try! Incorrect

      // This will crash at runtime if there is an error parsing the JSON data!
      let json = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments)


      do {
          let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments)
          } catch {
    • Let vs. Var

      • Whenever possible use let instead of var.
      • Declare properties of an object or struct that shouldn't change over its lifetime with let.
    • Access Control

      • Prefer private properties and methods whenever possible to encapsulate and limit access to internal object state.

      • For private declarations at the top level of a file that are outside of a type, explicitly specify the declaration as fileprivate. This is functionally the same as marking these declarations private, but clarifies the scope:


        import Foundation
        // Top level declaration
        private let foo = "bar"
        struct Baz {


        import Foundation
        // Top level declaration
        fileprivate let foo = "bar"
        struct Baz {
      • If you need to expose functionality to other modules, prefer public classes and class members whenever possible to ensure functionality is not accidentally overridden. Better to expose the class to open for subclassing when needed.

5. Spacing

  • Open curly braces on the same line as the statement and close on a new line.

  • Put else statements on the same line as the closing brace of the previous if block.

  • Make all colons left-hugging (no space before but a space after) except when used with the ternary operator (a space both before and after).


    class SomeClass : SomeSuperClass
        private let someString:String
        func someFunction(someParam :Int)
            let dictionaryLiteral : [String : AnyObject] = ["foo" : "bar"]
            let ternary = (someParam > 10) ? "foo": "bar"
            if someParam > 10 { ... }
            else {
            } } }


    class SomeClass: SomeSuperClass {
        private let someString: String
        func someFunction(someParam: Int) {
            let dictionaryLiteral: [String: AnyObject] = ["foo": "bar"]
            let ternary = (someParam > 10) ? "foo" : "bar"
            if someParam > 10 {
            } else {

    6. Protocols

  • Protocol Conformance

    • When adding protocol conformance to a type, use a separate extension for the protocol methods. This keeps the related methods grouped together with the protocol and can simplify instructions to add a protocol to a type with its associated methods.

    • Use a // MARK: - SomeDelegate comment to keep things well organized.


      class MyViewcontroller: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UIScrollViewDelegate {
          // All methods


      class MyViewcontroller: UIViewController {
      // MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
      extension MyViewcontroller: UITableViewDataSource {
          // Table view data source methods
      // MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
      extension MyViewcontroller: UIScrollViewDelegate {
          // Scroll view delegate methods
  • Delegate Protocols

    • If your protocol should have optional methods, it must be declared with the @objc attribute.

    • Declare protocol definitions near the class that uses the delegate, not the class that implements the delegate methods.

    • If more than one class uses the same protocol, declare it in its own file.

    • Use weak optional vars for delegate variables to avoid retain cycles.

      protocol SomeTableCellDelegate: class {
          func cellButtonWasTapped(cell: SomeTableCell)
      class SomeTableCell: UITableViewCell {
          weak var delegate: SomeTableCellDelegate?
          // ...
      class SomeTableViewController: UITableViewController {
          // ...
      // MARK: - SomeTableCellDelegate
      extension SomeTableViewController: SomeTableCellDelegate {
          func cellButtonWasTapped(cell: SomeTableCell) {
              // Implementation of cellbuttonwasTapped method

7. Arrays and Dictionaries

  • Type Shorthand Syntax Use square bracket shorthand type syntax for Array and Dictionary as recommended by Apple in Array Type Shorthand Syntax:


    let users: Array<String>
    let usersByName: Dictionary<String, User>


    let users: [String]
    let usersByName: [String: User]
  • Trailing Comma For array and dictionary literals, unless the literal is very short, split it into multiple lines, with the opening symbols on their own line, each item or key-value pair on its own line, and the closing symbol on its own line. Put a trailing comma after the last item or key-value pair to facilitate future insertion/editing. Xcode will handle alignment sanely.


    let anArray = [
        object3 //no trailing comma
    let aDictionary = ["key1": value1, "key2": value2] //how can you even read that?!


    let anArray = [
    let aDictionary = [
        "key1": value1,
        "key2": value2,

8. Typealiases

  • Create typealiases to give semantic meaning to commonly used datatypes and closures.

    typealias IndexRange = Range<Int>
    typealias JSONObject = [String: AnyObject]
    typealias APICompletion = (jsonResult: [JSONObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void
    typealias BasicBlock = () -> Void

9. Switch Statements

  • Use multiple values on a single case where it is appropriate:

    var someCharacter: Character
    switch someCharacter {
    case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u":
        print("\(someCharacter) is a vowel")

10. Loops

  • Use the enumerated() function if you need to loop over a Sequence and use the index:

    for (index, element) in someArray.enumerated() {
    • Use map when transforming Arrays (flatMap for Arrays of Optionals or Arrays of Arrays):
    let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    let stringArray = { item in
        return "item \(item)"
    let optionalArray: [Int?] = [1, nil, 3, 4, nil]
    let nonOptionalArray = optionalArray.flatMap { item -> Int? in
        guard let item = item else {
            return nil
        return item * 2
    let arrayOfArrays = [array, nonOptionalArray]
    let anotherStringArray = arrayOfArrays.flatmap { item in
        return "thing \(item)"
  • If you have an Array of Arrays and want to loop over all contents, consider a for in loop using joined(separator:) instead of nested loops:

    let arraysOfNames = [["Moe", "Larry", "Curly"], ["Groucho", "Chico", "Harpo", "Zeppo"]]


    for name in arraysOfNames.joined() {
        print("\(name) is an old-timey comedian")


    for names in arraysOfNames {
        for name in names {
            print("\(name) is an old-timey comedian")

11. Closures

  • Trailing Closure Syntax
    • Use trailing closure syntax when the only or last argument to a function or method is a closure.

      //a function that has a completion closure/block
      func registerUser(user: User, completion: (Result) -> Void)


      UserAPI.registerUser(user, completion: { result in
          if result.success {


      UserAPI.registerUser(user) { result in
          if result.success {
    • Omit the empty parens () when the only argument is a closure.


      let doubled = [2, 3, 4].map() { $0 * 2 }


      let doubled = [2, 3, 4].map { $0 * 2 }

12. Constants

  • Prefer declaring constants outside the scope of a class to give them static storage.

  • When creating a shared constants file (ex. Constants.swift), use structs to group related constants together. The name of the struct should be singular, and each field should be written using camelCase.

  • Be wary of large constants files as they can become unmanageable over time. Refactor related parts of the main constants file into separate files for that situation.

    struct SegueIdentifier {
        static let onboarding = "OnboardingSegue"
        static let login = "LoginSegue"
        static let logout = "LogoutSegue"
    struct StoryboardIdentifier {
        static let main = "Main"
        static let onboarding = "Onboarding"
        static let settings = "Settings"
    print(SegueIdentifier.login) // "LoginSegue"
  • Where appropriate, constants can also be grouped using an enum with a rawValue type that is relevant to the type you need to work with

    enum UserJSONKeys: String {
        case username
        case email
        case role
        // Explicitly defined rawValue
        case identifier = "id"
    print(UserJSONKeys.username.rawValue) // "username"
    print(UserJSONKeys.identifier.rawValue) // "id"
    guard let url = URL(string: "") else {
    let mutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url)
    mutableURLRequest.HTTPMethod = HTTPMethods.POST.rawValue
    print(mutableURLRequest.httpMethod) // "POST"

13. Implicit return

  • In single-line closures, implicit getters, and other code blocks where the opening {, inner statement, and closing } are all on one line, omit return.


let doubled = [2, 3, 4].map { return $0 * 2 }

var someProperty: Int { return 4 * someOtherProperty }

func helloWorld() -> String { return "Hello, world!" }


let doubled = [2, 3, 4].map { $0 * 2 }

var someProperty: Int { 4 * someOtherProperty }

func helloWorld() -> String { "Hello, world!" }

14. Closures

  • Avoid unnecessary parentheses around closure parameters.


functionWithAClosure { (result) in
functionWithAClosure { (result) -> Int in


functionWithAClosure { result in
functionWithAClosure { result -> Int in
functionWithAClosure { (result: String) in


This repository aims to establish and promote standardized iOS coding practices for developers. It serves as a reference guide to write clean, maintainable, and scalable Swift code for iOS applications.







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