🔭 I’m currently working on MERN STACK APP
🌱 I’m currently learning Redux-ToolKit,React-Native
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on create-react-app
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://shoaibak.netlify.app/
🎮 My Gaming World https://steamcommunity.com/id/xoxo121
💬 Ask me about Tailwind Css,Reactjs,Nextjs,Native Apps
📫 How to reach me shoaibabdulkhadeer@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://shoaibak.netlify.app/
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ReactJS-TailwindCss-Portofolio-App Public(MOBILE RESPONSIVE) My stunning Portfolio web app, built with cutting-edge React JS and Tailwind CSS technologies! With its dynamic animations, sleek design, and fluid transitions, app provides a t…
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Crypto-ReactJS-TailwindCss-Mobile-Responsive Public(MOBILE RESPONSIVE) Crypto API Web App using ReactJS, TailwindCSS - The project is a web-based application that provides real-time cryptocurrency data to users. The application is built using the l…
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MERN-FULL-STACK-TODO-LIST-APP PublicA Minimal Mern full-stack Todo-List app using the MERN stack (MongoDB for database, Express and Node for backend, and React for frontend) to perform CRUD operations. lets you Create a todo , Read t…
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ReactJs-Library-management-system PublicLibrary Management WebApp using React routers admin/user Portal and fetch data from JSON-SERVER package uses a single file db.json, treats the file as a JSON database and also exposes routes on whi…
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Netflix-CloneApp-ReactJs PublicBuilt with React JS and Tailwind CSS! With a sleek and modern user interface, app provides a seamless browsing experience that is fully mobile responsive.
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ReactJS-TailwindCss-Movie-app Public(MOBILE-RESPONSIVE) Build using OMDB Api,React js,TailwindCss -> Search any movie and get all the information you need about it! With my easy-to-use interface, you can search for any movie by title…
JavaScript 2
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