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Week 1: September 1st - September 7th

Day Problem Link Difficulty Solution
1 Largest Time for Given Digits Easy Solution
2 Contains Duplicate III Medium Solution
3 Repeated Substring Pattern Easy Solution
4 Partition Labels Medium Solution
5 All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Medium Solution
6 Image Overlap Medium Solution
7 Word Pattern Easy Solution

Week 2: September 8th - September 14th

Day Problem Link Difficulty Solution
1 Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers Easy Solution
2 Compare Version Numbers Medium Solution
3 Bulls and Cows Easy Solution
4 Maximum Product Subarray Medium Solution
5 Combination Sum III Medium Solution
6 Insert Interval Hard Solution
7 House Robber Easy Solution

Week 3: September 15th - September 21st

Day Problem Link Difficulty Solution
1 Length of Last Word Easy Solution
2 Maximum XOR Of Two Numbers In An Array Medium Solution
3 Robot Bounded in Circle Medium Solution
4 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
5 Sequential Digits Medium Solution
6 Unique Paths III Hard Solution
7 Car Pooling Medium Solution

Week 4: September 22nd - September 28th

Day Problem Link Difficulty Solution
1 Majority Element II Medium Solution
2 Gas Station Medium Solution
3 Find the Difference Easy Solution
4 Largest Number Medium Solution
5 Teemo Attacking Medium Solution
6 Evaluate Division Medium Solution
7 Subarray Product Less Than K Medium Solution

Week 5: September 29th - September 30th

Day Problem Link Difficulty Solution
1 Word Break Medium Solution
2 First Missing Positive Hard Solution