Hi, I am Shivam Yadav from Nepal. I am a student reading in Grade 10 in my own residental city. I am even hobbysit of software development and aim to hold a software company out in the future. It's my hobby on building apps and games that took me before you and I am happy for this. I am constantly engaged with making and publishing open source app for different platforms. What I know is, I am contributor to internet and it's community.
Why I told this, is because I am developer of all most 7 open source apps and web services that is supposed to help personnels, professionals and business do work in a safe and private mannner. I am not making any stop point for me and willing to provide more services and products than what I can. I have developed these open source projects to help people stay safe from those big names who see the user's data as their profit.
Open source is only the solution now to make internet private again. Today big names are providing services and we without acknowledging how we are product of these companies are using their services in a way it should not be. We should always decrease the use of these services if we can. But, what the barrier here is about whom to believe and whom not to be. Today every apps are marked safe and privacy first apps.
Looking on this, I came to the decision of making my own apps for my devices and using them. But later on I wanted everyone on internet to be safe looking on my friends and people around getting problems even some of these problems gone against humanity. We need to drive everyone to the benefitial way for each of them when we think we can is my opinion. So, I decided to help out community contributing my time, skill and some financial amounts. The thing which I see a benefit to me is my apps are even going to get reputed as well as if I can.