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Secret-BTC - Privacy coin backed by BTC

Join Shuriken Network Public Beta as a Shuriken Node

See /client/shuriken-node

Play with it on local with regtest bitcoin network

0. Preparation


  brew install git-lfs # See also
  git lfs install
  git lfs pull


  rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  cargo install cargo-wasm
  yarn global add wasm-opt

1. Compile the contract to wasm

  make compile

Compile On macOS

On macOS, clang by Apple is installed, but it does not support wasm targets. You can install clang based on LLVM by

  brew install llvm

and use it in compilation as follows:

 AR=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang make compile

2. Start local development docker-compose

  make start-local

This command runs

  1. sn-node: secret network local node
  2. bitcoin: bitcoin core on regtest network and a REST API Server which allows local apps to interact with the bitcoin core

The accounts on local SecretNetwork with funds:

a_mnemonic="grant rice replace explain federal release fix clever romance raise often wild taxi quarter soccer fiber love must tape steak together observe swap guitar"
b_mnemonic="jelly shadow frog dirt dragon use armed praise universe win jungle close inmate rain oil canvas beauty pioneer chef soccer icon dizzy thunder meadow"
c_mnemonic="chair love bleak wonder skirt permit say assist aunt credit roast size obtain minute throw sand usual age smart exact enough room shadow charge"
d_mnemonic="word twist toast cloth movie predict advance crumble escape whale sail such angry muffin balcony keen move employ cook valve hurt glimpse breeze brick"

3. Deploy contracts

make deploy-local

this command deploy contracts and exports a deploy report to deproy_report folder.

4. Run Shuriken node

Shuriken node uploads block information of bitcoin and secret network to contracts.

make shuriken-node-local

5. Run frontend

make sbtc-interface-local

Interact with the regtest bitcoin network

Use bitcoin-cli in the docker container

  docker exec -it sbtc_local_bitcoin /bin/bash

  # In docker container,
  # `b` is alias for `bitcoin-cli -regtest`

  # Commnads

  # Create new wallet or load wallet
  bitcoin-cli -regtest createwallet [wallet]
  bitcoin-cli -regtest loadwallet [wallet]

  # Get a new address
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] getnewaddress

  # Set a label to an address
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] setlabel [address] [label]

  # Get address by the label
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] getaddressesbylabel [address]

  # List transactions with the label
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] listtransactions [address]

  # Mine blocks
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] generatetoaddress [number of blocks] [your address]

  # Send 1 BTC
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=[wallet] -named sendtoaddress address=[recipient] amount=1 fee_rate=25

You can run Bitcoin-Qt on the host machine instead of bitcoin docker image and Regtest Util Server.

  bitcoin-qt -regtest -connect=

SecretNetwork browser wallet