REST API automation framework using Cucumber, Apache Http Client
This project is to implement a framework for REST API automation tests with Cucumber and Apache Http Client for sample ReqRes APIs. Project was developed using:
- Cucumber - 6.10.4 - latest version
- Apache Http Components - Http Client - 4.5.13 - latest version
- Lombok - annotations and clean code
- Jackson Core Databind - Object Mapper - to serialize objects to json and to deserialize json to objects
Note: RestAssured, the widely used testing library for API automation is a wrapper built on Apache Http Client
- To enable easy test creation and maintenance, the request and response json fields are modeled as POJO classes
- Use of Lombok annotations helps simplify the creation of classes as only the fields need to be declared
- Request: To create request JSON, it is sufficient to create object(s) for the corresponding request model classes and set values according to the tests. Then Object Mapper (Jackson - databind) can be used to serialize the object(s) to json before submitting API calls
- Response: To enable ease of access and parsing response JSON, object mapper can parse the response JSON string as object(s) of response model classes
- POJO classes can be found at src/test/java/com/automation/demo/models package
- Acceptance Tests written as Cucumber feature file can be found at src/test/resources/features/ReqResApiTests.feature
- The tests perform a Get and Post call to APIs hosted at
- JUnit assertion methods are used to verify response JSON data
- Environment Requirements: Maven v3.5.4 or later, Java 1.8 or later, Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE
- After cloning the project, compile using the IDE Maven plugin or
mvn clean compile
- Review the code to understand the flow
- src/test/java - has the code for Cucumber tests implementation
- src/test/resources - has the feature file
mvn clean test
- This will run the scenarios in Cucumber feature files
Alternative way to run the project is by use of: TestRunner at src/test/java/com/automation/demo/ or Using IDE Run configuration, for IntelliJ:
- Right click project and click Run as
- Select Maven Build
- Enter goals - clean test
- Click Run
After execution, reports can be accessible via the link displayed in the maven logs (provided by Cucumber latest version).
When this project is integrated in a Jenkins pipeline, cucumber.json file in target/cucumber-reports can be integrated in the Build using Jenkins Cucumber plugin