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Introduction of DNAMarkMaker

DNAMarkMaker is a tool to develop ARMS and/or CAPS markers that target SNPs between cultivars/lines, utilizing data from next-generation sequencing.



Installation using bioconda

You can install DNAMarkMaker using bioconda.

conda install -c bioconda dnamarkmaker

Alternatively, if you want to create DNAMarkMaker specific environment.

conda create -n DNAMarkMaker -c bioconda dnamarkmaker
conda activate DNAMarkMaker 

An error is detected if conda's python is not 3.9.13 or later.

conda create -n DNAMarkMaker python=3.9.13 # Also You can select later 3.9.13
conda activate DNAMarkMaker 
conda install -c bioconda dnamarkmaker


'DNAMarkMaker' offers five commands. Users can specify which command to run using the '-w' option. Here is a summary of each command.

command : target_SNP_selection

Purpose: Identify SNPs from the BAM file, which contains alignment data of two breeds.

Description: This command should be the first one executed when using DNAMarkMaker, as it lays the foundation for subsequent marker design by selecting target SNPs.

Required options

-Abam ABAM                                  Full path of A bam
-Bbam BBAM                                  Full path of B bam
-reference REFERENCE                        Full path of reference fasta
-position POSITION                          Target chromosome position [chr:start:end]
-o OUTPUT_DIR                               Output directory

Additional options

-Aname ANAME                                A name (A)
-Bname BNAME                                B name (B)
-min_depth MIN_DEPTH                        Minimum depth of target SNP (10)
-max_depth MAX_DEPTH                        Maximum depth of target SNP (99)
-minMQ MINMQ                                Minimum mapping quality detected from bam (0)
-minBQ MINBQ                                Minimum base quality detected from bam (13)
-Bhetero BHETERO                            Whether to target heterozygous SNP in B (no)
-Bsim BSIM                                  B simulation file
-Cbam CBAM                                  Full path of C bam
-Csim CSIM                                  C simulation file

command : ARMS_preparation

Purpose: Design breed-specific primers for the creation of ARMS markers.

Description: This command utilizes the inter-cultivar SNP information previously identified to design primers specific to each breed or line, preparing for the next stage of ARMS marker development.

Required options

-o OUTPUT_DIR                              Output directory

Additional options

-recipe RECIPE                             Full path of primer recipe file

command : tri_ARMS

Purpose: Develop tri-ARMS markers.

Description: Leveraging the primers designed in the ARMS_preparation phase, this command facilitates the development of tri-ARMS markers, which involve three primers for amplification.

Required options

-o OUTPUT_DIR                             Output directory

Additional options

-recipe RECIPE                           Full path of primer recipe file
-PCR_max_size PCR_MAX_SIZE               Maximum size of PCR product (700)
-PCR_min_size PCR_MIN_SIZE               Minimum size of PCR product (100)
-SNP_dist SNP_DIST                       Target SNP distance (100:300)
-make_html MAKE_HTML                     Whether to html file (yes)

command : tetra_ARMS

Purpose: Develop tetra-ARMS markers.

Description: Similarly to the tri_ARMS command, this command uses the primers from ARMS_preparation but develops tetra-ARMS markers, which utilize four primers in the amplification process.

Required options

-o OUTPUT_DIR                 Output directory

Additional options

-first_size FIRST_SIZE                   Size of first band (100:500)
-second_size SECOND_SIZE                 Size of second band (600:1000) 
-make_html MAKE_HTML                     Whether to html file (yes)

command : CAPS

Purpose: Create CAPS markers.

Description: This command supports the development of CAPS markers by introducing specific restriction enzymes to the identified inter-cultivar SNP information, resulting in markers that are identified based on the cleavage patterns of these enzymes on the DNA fragments.

Required options

-o OUTPUT_DIR                            Output directory
-restriction_enzyme RESTRICTION_ENZYME   Full path of restriction enzyme file

Additional options

-recipe RECIPE                           Full path of primer recipe file
-PCR_max_size PCR_MAX_SIZE               Maximum size of PCR product (1000)
-PCR_min_size PCR_MIN_SIZE               Minimum size of PCR product (500)
-fragment_min_size FRAGMENT_MIN_SIZE     Minimum fragment size of restricted PCR product (200)
-make_html MAKE_HTML                     Whether to html file (yes)

Band size of PCR product amplified by developped marker

The input file format

BAM File

A sorted binary format file that stores NGS reads alignment data bai file.


A fasta format file for alignmnet.

Simulation Files

A txt file contains space-separated arbitrary simulation confidence intervals for each depth. Users can obtain this from the provided URL ( and modify the values if required for specific analyses.

Recipe File

A txt file contains the options used by the primer design tool, primer3. The default version of this file can be downloaded from the provided URL (, but users can also tailor the values inside to suit specific needs or experimental conditions.

Restriction enzyme file

A txt file contains space-separated arbitrary the name of restriction enzyme and recognizing sequense ( and modify the contents if required for specific analyses.

The example of execution


ex1) Homozygous plant

 DNAMarkMaker -w target_SNP_selection \
              -reference Full/path/to/referance.fasta \
              -Abam Full/path/to/A.bam \
              -Bbam Full/path/to/B.bam \
              -position chr1:10000:50000 \
              -o example1

ex2) Autotetraploid plants (terget of simplex in B)

  DNAMarkMaker -w target_SNP_selection \
               -reference Full/path/to/referance.fasta \
               -Abam Full/path/to/A.bam \
               -Bbam Full/path/to/B.bam \
               -position chr1:10000:50000 \
               -o example3 \
               -min_depth 59 \
               -max_depth 300 \
               -Bhetero yes\
               -Bsim downloaded/sim_simplex_AAAa_95.txt

ex3) Heterozygous plants

 DNAMarkMaker -w target_SNP_selection \
              -reference Full/path/to/referance.fasta \
              -Abam Full/path/to/A.bam \
              -Bbam Full/path/to/B.bam \
              -Cbam Full/path/to/F1.bam \
              -position chr1:10000:50000 \
              -o example3 \


 DNAMarkMaker -w ARMS_preparation \
              -o example1


 DNAMarkMaker -w tri_ARMS \
              -o example1


 DNAMarkMaker -w tetra_ARMS \
              -o example1


 DNAMarkMaker -w CAPS \
              -restriction_enzyme downloaded/restriction_enzyme.txt\
              -o example1

The output file format

The formats and contents of the output files align with those delineated in the manual for the GUI version, available at URL(


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