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Monero LWS Install and Use

shermand100 edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 6 revisions


Monero-LWS has been added as a service to PiNodeXMR. This allows a Monero node to constantly monitor for new outputs (transactions) that belong to a node operators wallet. When the node owner connects their wallet, synchronisation is near instantaneous, ideal for spending whilst on the move. No more waiting a minute or two for your wallet to catch up. Currently the "MyMonero" wallet for Windows and Android is tested and confirmed as working. (iOS MyMonero should work too but I don't have the hardware to test this. If you find it also works please get in touch).

This has been made possible by implementing VTNerd's project "Monero-LWS"


Whilst further testing takes place this feature can be accessed from the terminal settings menu. It will migrate to the Web-UI soon as a major feature.


On selecting to install, PiNodeXMR will download and configure the service.

Once installed SSL Certificates will be generated that are linked to the PiNodeXMR local IP address. Please ensure your local IP address is static to continue to use this feature.

Certificates are needed so encrypted communication can take place between your node and wallet to prevent revealing your wallet address and view key/balance. One certificate is generated for if you are a Windows MyMonero user, and another format of the same certificate is produced ready to be exported to an Android device if you are an Android MyMonero user. You will be prompted to enter a export password twice to create the Android certificate. If you add the certificate file to your Android device you will be asked for this password again.


Monero-LWS will be monitored by systemd. You will be asked if you would like the service to be run at system boot. You can also select to start the service immediately.

The Monero-LWS service status can be found in the "System Monitor" section of the Web-UI for easy viewing.


The tool comes in two parts.

With the Monero-LWS service running, the accompanying Admin tool can specify which Monero Address and View key pairs you would like to monitor. You can add many address/view-key pairs.

To add a wallet to monitor select "Monero-LWS Admin" from the terminal menu.

These steps support copy/paste, please check the info is correct.


Then you will be prompted for the VIEW KEY for this address. Ensure you DO NOT mistakenly add your PRIVATE KEY. Your PRIVATE KEY should NEVER be shared with anyone.


And that's it! Monero-LWS will then search your local blockchain for any transaction outputs that belong to your wallet. Initially this will take several hours, but once checked Monero-LWS will continue to monitor new blocks for funds you own.

Connecting wallets

The desktop and mobile MyMonero wallet supports the lightweight wallet feature. In the preferences section of the program/app you can specify a custom server. Here we will enter the address of your node with the port 8443:

In this example the local IP is used. With port forwarding on your router this can be reached externally too, or pair this with the DynamicDNS tool found in the PiNodeXMR menu.

In the example above the menu is very similar for both the Android and Desktop MyMonero settings.

Adding SSL Certificates

The traffic between your node and wallet is encrypted. Monero-LWS when it was installed created a certificate which it uses to encrypt this traffic. At the other end (your wallet) your device needs a copy of this certificate to decrpyt the information again.

It is then essential you put a copy of this certificate on the device you are running the wallet on.

The keys are held on the PiNodeXMR at /home/pinodexmr/lwsSslCert/

For simplicity I recommend using WinSCP to view and transfer these files (it's free).


For Windows MyMonero

Copy the "cert.pem" file from PiNodeXMR as shown above to your PC.

Then use your system search bar (bottom left) for "certificate" and select "Manage Computer Certificates"

Win search cert

Finally, select "Trusted Root Certification", and right click "Certificates", "All Tasks", "Import".

Follow through the wizard and "browse" for the cert.pem file you copied from PiNodeXMR. Under "filetype" you will need to select "all files".

With the certificate installed (and restart Windows) your MyMonero wallet can connect securely to your node, sync free!

For Android

Copy androidCert.p12 to your device from PiNodeXMR.

Then in "settings">"security">"Advanced">"Encryption & Credentials">"Install from storage" select the androidCert.p12 file.

You will be asked for the password you used in the export step when you installed Monero-LWS.

Your Android MyMonero app can now connect securely to your node, sync free!

A big thanks for VTNerd for doing the hard work of creating Monero-LWS and all his work for Monero.