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Minimal matrix implementation in C++.

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Basic implementations of Matrix object facilities and linear algebra algorithms are included. APIs are designed elegantly and fully equipped with parameter annotations(in Chinese).

  • Construct!

Matrix<T> is a well-designed matrix class that provides convenient constructors and generation functions like Matrix<T>::Zeroes(), Matrix<T>::Identity(), Matrix<T>::Ones(), Matrix<T>::Rand(). Constructors like Matrix<T>::Matrix(const std::string &expr) and Matrix(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> iList) parse MATLAB-style literals after performing semantic checks.

  • Matrix Operations

'+', '-' and '*' are overloaded to support add, substract and matrix multiply respectively. Member functions such as Matrix<T>::Power(), Matrix<T>::Transpose() and Matrix<T>::Inverse() perform basic algebra algorithms.

  • Easy-to-use Manipulation Methods

To add a row or column, you may invoke Matrix<T>::AddRow() or Matrix<T>::AddColumn. Matrix<T>::CombineWith() handles concatenation of two matrices with ease.

  • Customize Your experience

Prefer using 1-based index with MATLAB 😀? Want to implement your business logic after a hard time with mathematical formulas:upside_down_face:? min-matrix comes to your help. By default, row or column indices begin with 1. If you wanna switch to 0-based which is loved by programmers, add #define MATRIX_INDEX_START_AT_0 before you include the matrix header file.

  • More

Discover by yourself down below:grin:!


Constructing a matrix object

* Basic constructors

Construct a Matrix object by defining the size.

// Default constructor
Matrix<double> mat0();
// Constuct a matrix of 5 rows and 3 columns
Matrix<double> mat1(5,3);

* Data constructors

Construct a Matrix object by defining the size and supplying data linearly.

// Constuct a square matrix of 2 rows with data
Matrix<double> mat2_1(2, 2, {1.3e2, .5, -2.87, 3.14});
// InitializerList<T> will be implicitly converted to a vector
    1.3e2   0.5
    -2.87   3.14

// You may leave some elements unassigned, which will be T()
// In this case, "double() == 0"
Matrixd mat2_2(2, 2, {1.3e2, .5}); 
// typedef Matrix<double> Matrixd;
    1.3e2   0.5
    0       0

// The data can also be served with arrays
const double data[] = {2.2, 1.4, .5, -0.2};
// The 4th argument should be the length of data array
Matrixd mat2_3(2, 3, data, 4);
    2.2   1.4   .5
    -0.2  0     0

// A single value can be used to construct a Matrix object
Matrixd mat3(3, 1, 1.5);

* Special Constructors

You don't have to specify the row or column size but to provide structured data to construct an object.

// MATLAB-style literals are well supported
Matrixd mat4("[2.3 -3.14, 21;  0.2,2.9 0.02; 0.77, -0.5,8]");
// Delimeter can be either ' ' or ',' or both
    2.3     -3.14   21
    0.2     2.9     0.02
    0.77    -0.5    8

If a semantic issue is detected, the constructor function prints out a error message on the console. 

Matrixd("[2.3 -3.14, 21; xxx 0.2,2.9 0.02; 0.77, -0.5,8]");
    Error parsing matrix expression (unable to parse row element):

    [2.3 -3.14, 21; xxx 0.2,2.9 0.02; 0.77, -0.5,8]
    Assertion failed!

// Nested InitializerList can be used
Matrixd mat5({ {2, 3}, {9, 5} });
    2  3
    9  5
In both constructors above, the column size of the matrix is infered from the **first row** data provided. Be sure that all rows have equivalent amount of elements.

Generate a special or frequenly-used matrix

// Special matrix can be generated with static member functions
Matrixd mat8 = Matrixd::Identity(3);
    1	0	0
    0	1	0
    0	0	1

Matrixd mat9 = Matrixd::Zeroes(4);
    0	0	0	0
    0	0	0	0
    0	0	0	0
    0	0	0	0

Matrixd mat10 = Matrixd::Ones(2);
    1	1
    1	1

Matrixd mat11 = Matrixd::Rand(3, 2);
// mat11 will be a matrix of 3 rows and 2 columns with
// random elements uniformly distributed between 0.0~1.0
    I have no idea how it'll be like.

Modify elements

 In most libraries matrix index(row or column) begin with 0, while in MATLAB it is 1. So we leave it up to users that if macro MATRIX_INDEX_START_AT_0 is defined before you include "Matrix.h", the beginning index will be. This customization will affect the implementation of ```Matrix<T>::operator()``` and other functions that take row or column index as a parameter. Exceptionally, `Matrix<T>::ElemAt0()` and `Matrix<T>::ElemAt()` will not be influenced.
Matrixd mat12(2, 3, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
    0	1	2
    3	4	5
mat12(1, 2);
//if defined MATRIX_INDEX_START_AT_0 		: 5
//if not defined MATRIX_INDEX_START_AT_0	: 1

mat12.ElemAt0(1, 2); // 5
mat12.ElemAt(1, 2);  // 1

In order to traverse the matrix elements and modify them, you surely can write a for statement yourself. However, you may also pass a lambda function as a parameter to ```Matrix<T>::ForEach()```.

// Traverse
mat12.ForEach([](double &elem, size_t index)
    if (elem < 5)
        elem = 0;
    if (index >= 2)
        return false;
    return true;
	0	0	0
	3	4	5

You may terminate the loop by returning false inside the lambda function. 

Basic matrix operations

Matrixd mat13_1(2, 3, {1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 9});
Matrixd mat13_2(2, 3, {1, -1, 3, -2, 2, -4});
Matrixd mat13_3(3, 3, {1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 2, 0, 4, 2});

// Add
Matrixd mat13_4 = mat13_1 + mat13_2;
    2    2    7
    0    7    5

// Substract
Matrixd mat13_5_1 = mat13_1 - mat13_2;
    0   4   1
    4   3   13

// Negative
Matrixd mat13_5_2 = -mat13_1;
    -1   -3   -4
    -2   -5   -9

// Multiply
Matrixd mat13_6 = mat13_2 * mat13_3;
    -1   8    6
    2    -8   -8

// Power
Matrixd mat13_7 = mat13_3.Power(3); //mat13_3 * mat13_3 * mat13_3
    31    105    50
    82    259    130
    64    196    96

// Transpose
Matrixd mat13_8 = mat13_1.Transpose();
    1    2
    3    5
    4    9

// Row Reduce
Matrixd mat13_9 = mat13_3.RowReduce();
    1   0   0
    0   1   0
    0   0   1

// Rank
size_t rank = mat13_3.Rank();
// rank == 3

// Inverse
    Matrixd mat13_10 = mat13_3.Inverse();
    0.142857     0.428571     -0.571429
    -0.285714    0.142857     0.142857
    0.571429     -0.285714    0.214286

Matrix concatenation

Matrixd mat14({{2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 7}});
Matrixd mat15 = mat14.CombineWith(Matrixd::Identity(3), Matrixd::RIGHT);
    2   3   4   1   0   0
    3   4   5   0   1   0
    5   6   7   0   0   1

Modify an entire row or column

Matrixd mat16({{2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 7}});
    2   0   4
    3   0   5
    5   0   7

mat16.AddColumn({2, 4, 5});
    2   0   4   2
    3   0   5   4
    5   0   7   5

mat16.InsertRow(0, {-1, -1, -1, -1});
    -1  -1  -1  -1
    2   0   4   2
    3   0   5   4
    5   0   7   5

You can also extract a block of elements from the matrix with ```Matrix<T>::Block()```. The block area is copied from the original matrix.

// 2nd ~ 3rd row and 2nd ~ 4th column will be extracted
Matrixd blockMat = mat16.Block(1, 1, 2, 3);
    0    4    2
    0    5    4

Determinant evaluation

Matrixd mat17({{2, 1, 4}, {0, 2, 5}, {9, 6, 7}});
double detValue = Determinant<double>(mat17).Value();
// detValue == -59


Minimal matrix implementation in C++







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