Installs Gradle Get from Ansible galaxy like so:
ansible-galaxy install shelleg.gradle
Please test the role before creating a Pull Request by issuing:
chmod +x ./tests/geerlingguy.test/
cleanup=false container_id=$(date +%s) distro=centos7 ./tests/geerlingguy.test/
Currently only supports Ansible lint, need to add distributions (work started in .travis.yml
JAVA Oracle
Version related:
gradle_version: 4.4.1
gradle_checksum: sha256:dd9b24950dc4fca7d1ca5f1ccd57ca8c5b9eb407e3e6e0f48174fde4bb19ed06
gradle_binary: "gradle-{{ gradle_version }}"
gradle_download_url: "{{ gradle_binary }}"
Installation directory:
gradle_base_dir: /usr/local/share/
gradle_extract_dir: "gradle-{{ gradle_version }}"
gradle_link: /usr/local/bin/gradle
Requires Java in order to run. Personally I do not believe in dependencies from meta/main.yml considering this looks too much like black magic ...
Including an example of how to use this role:
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- java
- gradle
- initial release - initial release support ubutnu 14/16.04 && centos 6/7
Haggai Philip Zagury part of Shellg project. see also Shellg Docs