BooksClub is an online platform that allows you to provide unused books to needy people. One has to upload the details of the books and if the book is still available then the needy one can get it for free by accessing the details. This project was built within 48 hours as a part of a hackathon at Masai School by our team of web warriors.
Executing the commands mentioned below one by one in your command line will help in making this React app . Cloning
git clone
cd ./books-club
To run the react app execute below command
cd ./client
npm install
npm start
To run the server app execute below command
cd ./server
npm install
npm run dev
- React js
- Redux
- JavaScript
- node modules
- Styled-Components
- axios
- React Js
- Redux
- React-router-dom
- Material-UI
- Material-Icons
- React Icons
- Signin/Signup
- Users can add Books
- Users can get the available books for free
- Users can filter and search
- Mohd Tausif
- Gmail (
- Github
- Vaibhav Raj
- Gmail (
- Github
- Pawan Patidar
- Gmail (
- Github
- Sumit Bhandari
- Gmail (
- Github