Library for Mount & Blade: Bannerlord that enables multiple mods to alter standard game interface.
Install from NuGet: package name UIExtenderLib
Alternatively you can download package from NuGet page and open it to find dll
in the lib/
UIExtenderLib doesn't include UIExtenderLibModule
now, meaning that all you need to do is add dll
as a dependency. Mixing v1 modules and v2 modules are not supported, meaning that you absolutely need to update dependent mods. API stayed the same except for small changes in registration routine.
If you change any of the game standard prefab .xml
files you should use this library or similar approach in order to not overwrite changes to the same elements by other mods.
You don't need to use this if you are adding a completely new screen or a menu item in the encounter overlay, since things like that are already handled correctly by the game API.
You mark your prefab extensions based on one of the IPrefabPatch
descendants and marking it with PrefabExtension
attribute, therefore enabling you to make additions to the specified Movie's XML data.
[PrefabExtension("MapBar", "descendant::ListPanel[@Id='BottomInfoBar']/Children")]
public class PrefabExtension : PrefabExtensionInsertPatch
public override int Position => PositionLast;
public override string Name => "HorseAmountIndicator";
This specific extension will load prefab HorseAmountIndicator.xml
from MODULE/GUI/PrefabExtensions/
In order to add data to the prefab, you need to add properties to the target datasource class, which in case of BottomInfoBar
is MapInfoVM
, this is done by making a mixin class, inheriting from BaseViewModelMixin<T>
and marking it with ViewModelMixin
attribute. This class will be mixed in to the target view model T
, making fields and methods accessible in the prefab:
public class ViewModelMixin : BaseViewModelMixin<MapInfoVM>
private int _horsesAmount;
private string _horsesTooltip;
[DataSourceProperty] public BasicTooltipViewModel HorsesAmountHint => new BasicTooltipViewModel(() => _horsesTooltip);
[DataSourceProperty] public string HorsesAmount => "" + _horsesAmount;
public ViewModelMixin(MapInfoVM vm) : base(vm)
public override void OnRefresh()
var horses = MobileParty.MainParty.ItemRoster.Where(i => i.EquipmentElement.Item.ItemCategory.Id == new MBGUID(671088673));
var newTooltip = horses.Aggregate("Horses: ", (s, element) => $"{s}\n{element.EquipmentElement.Item.Name}: {element.Amount}");
if (newTooltip != _horsesTooltip)
_horsesAmount = horses.Sum(item => item.Amount);
_horsesTooltip = newTooltip;
if (_vm.TryGetTarget(out var vm))
The last thing is to call UIExtender.Register
and UIExtender.Verify
to apply your extensions:
protected override void OnSubModuleLoad()
_extender = new UIExtender("ModuleName");
protected override void OnBeforeInitialScreenSetAsRoot() {
Rest of the documentation is located on wiki.
- CampMod - mod that adds player camps
- HorseAmountIndicator - mod that adds horse amount indicator