Extremely simple UI/web server used to manage the user base in project cartographer community.
- Banning user accounts
- Banning user machines
- User lookup
- User edits
- New user activation/review
- New user resend activation email
- Showing linked user/machines (users who cheat and use different machines)
- Auditing of user changes (i.e., who banned who)
- Editing blacklist emails
- Add h2pc rest api (/login, /register, etc)
- Add h2pc relays
- Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
- CD into the git workspace folder
- If windows, mvnw.cmd package -Dmaven.test.skip=true, If linux, ./mvnw package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
1.0) Setup the mysql database (you can install one with docker or lamp/wamp packages or however you want)
- In the project root there is a creates.sql that you can run against the database to create all the necessary tables
- If you use "database-security" spring profile for your users, use the following sql to insert a default user named "root" with an encrypted password "default". Change it when you login
INSERT INTO admin_users(username,password,enabled)VALUES ('root','$2a$10$v7rYUWiKW.gamVZH.CPmDOtDdjhbnCySFqMkFjb60IF6vi5xCIqdi', true);
INSERT INTO admin_authorities (username, authority) VALUES ('root', 'ROLE_USER');
INSERT INTO admin_authorities (username, authority) VALUES ('root', 'ROLE_ADMIN');
1.1) Create an application properties filling all required fields below (name it application.properties)
# comma delimited list of admin users who get access (i.e., user1, jf#$j#$f, ADMIN, user2, F$#FM#, ADMIN)
# USERS/ADMIN are the only supported roles.
# Tell Spring Security (if used) to require requests over HTTPS
# The format used for the keystore
# The path to the keystore containing the certificate
# The password used to generate the certificate
# The alias mapped to the certificate
# Allowed spring profiles
# database-security
# requires the table admin_users to be loaded with at least one admin user
# simple-security
# requires "users" property to be set (i.e., users=USERNAME,PASSWORD,ROLE
# there are only 2 supported roles, USER and ADMIN
# web-debug
# turns on spring web debugging for troubleshooting purposes
- Get the jar (you need to build it)
- Use the below command or any variation of running the jar
java -jar -Dspring.config.location=application.properties project_cartographer_admin.jar
- Create the application.properties above
- Set a home variable for where the code/properties/logs folder will live
- Run below command in directory where code was clone
docker build --no-cache -t admin-server .
- Run below command (if your mysql is not dockerized)
docker run --net=host -v "$home/keystore.p12:/home/cartographer/keystore.p12" -v "$home/latest.properties:/home/cartographer/latest.properties:ro" -v "$home/logs:/home/cartographer/logs:rw" -d admin-server
- If you have a docker mysql, just remove --net=host and expose the ports configured in your app properties