Quote Generator:
It is a template that uses basic HTML5, CSS and JavaSript to fetch an API in order to load data (Quotes) from a website.
- Fetch "Quotes" and " Author" text from API.
- Using twitter API for sharing and posting the quote.
Skills that I learned by doing this project:
- HTML: Creating loader, container, button, and importing fontawsome icons.
- CSS: Full responsive layout, costumizing HTML elements, costumizing cursor, creating some classes (.long-quote) to be used on JavaScript and using Pseudo classes.
- JavaScript: Creating const for HTML elements, creating a function for loader, creating a function to get quotes from API and also implanting some "if" or "else" parameters to show quotes without author by "Unknown" label and show long or short quotes with different CSS classes. Also using twitter API and creating a function to share quotes on twitter.