Android weather app powered by service.
Libraries / Services / Patterns Used
- API for weather data
- Google Maps API's for location searching / matching
- Observable patterns using RxJava / RxAndroid
- Dagger 2 for dependency injection
- Retrofit for API interfacing
- Picasso for image handling
- simple Google App Engine backend for storing favorites and push weather updates
Experience Highlights
- first experience coding for Android
- started over Summer 2014
- retooled it for several new libraries / patterns over Winter 2014
- launched a substantially changed version over Summer 2015
- first project / platform / big thing I got into and learned by myself
- interacted with users through email and Play Store comments
- responded to feedback about bugs and feature requests
- monitoring and responding to crash reports and such
- rough implementation of push alerts for weather events where the device's location is kept in sync with the App Engine backend and weather checking is done in the cloud and notificaitons are pushed using GCM
- had a lot of fun actually 🤓