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2.8. Configuration: Chat

shavit edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

Path to configuration file: addons/sourcemod/configs/shavit-chat.cfg

bhoptimer allows you to have chat titles for players, according to their ranks and such.


Here's the default file:

// Available settings:
// "ranks" - inclusive rank range. (i.e. 1, 2, 10-19 or 0.0%-0.5%). Use a percent sign to use a percentile of total players. Add "p" as a prefix to use points instead of ranks, don't specify a range for points if you only want a minimum to unlock the title.
// "name" - custom name appearance. Default: "{name}"
// "message" - a prefix to the message itself. Default: ""
// "display" - display text in the !chatranks menu. "<n>" for a new line. Filling this is required.
// "free" - is this title available for everyone to use? Default: "0"
// Global variables:
// {default} - default color
// {team} - team color
// {green} - green color
// {name} - player name
// {clan} - clan tag
// {rand} - random color.
// {message} - message text
// {rank} - player rank (whole number)
// {rank1} - player rank in percentage (1 decimal point)
// {rank2} - player rank in percentage (2 decimal points)
// {rank3} - player rank in percentage (3 decimal points)
// Refer to shavit-messages.cfg for color settings.
    "0" // unranked
        "ranks"         "0"
        "name"          "{team}[Unranked] {name}"
        "display"       "[Unranked]<n>Title used by unranked players."

        "ranks"         "p10000"
        "free"          "0"
        "name"          "{rand}10k! {team}{name}"
        "display"       "10k Challenger<n>You are insane. You are a hero. You are a challenger.<n>A title awarded to the magnificent players who achieve 10,000 points."

        "ranks"         "1"
        "name"          "{rand}ONE TRUE GOD {team}{name}"
        "message"       "{rand}"
        "display"       "[ONE TRUE GOD]<n>A title awarded only to the very best players."

        "ranks"         "2"
        "name"          "{green}LEGENDARY {name}"
        "display"       "[LEGENDARY]<n>A title obtained by legendary players."

        "ranks"         "3"
        "name"          "{green}HERO {team}{name}"
        "display"       "[HERO]<n>You're a hero, and you deserve this title."

        "ranks"         "4-10"
        "name"          "{rand}scrub{rand}! {name}"
        "display"       "scrub!<n>You're a noob."

        "ranks"         "11-100%"
        "name"          ":( {name}"
        "display"       "sad face<n>You're terrible. Get good!"

        "free"          "1"
        "name"          "{rand}:) {name}"
        "display"       ":)<n>Free chat title."

Some explanation:

  • You currently cannot have a chat title require multiple condition types. The conditions are either: flat rank, relative rank, points.
  • Points are used like so: "ranks" "p100-1000" - this will grant the title to users with 100 to 1000 points.

Path to configuration file: cfg/sourcemod/plugin.shavit-chat.cfg

You can also modify other settings, such as the following highlights:

  • shavit_chat_rankings - set this to 0 if you want to disable integration with rankings. Alternatively, filter out the titles that have to do with ranks from the configuration file.
  • shavit_chat_customchat - set this to 0 if you want to disable custom chat titles, or 2 if you want everyone to have access to them. If you leave this as 1, admins with the chat flag or the shavit_chat override will be able to use custom chat titles (see !cchelp).