analyzeBehavior.ipynb: main script to analyze behavioral data for the cue-reward association task. Primary plots consist of: trial accuracy by training day, arm selection over time, and trial accuracy by cue type. contains the following information: day of rule change, color scheme for figures, cue names. functions that I use in other scripts.
positionTracking.ipynb: script to analyze tracking data and separate longer sessions into individual trials (in progress).
analyzeBehavior-old.ipynb: copied old version when making the modular version from scratch in 2023. Will delete after I update with arm selection over time and any other things that are missing.
accuracySimple.ipynb: a simpler version of the performance plot from analyzeBehavior. Instead of using the raw trial outcomes, it uses the calculated percentages which are in a separete csv. As I improve analyzeBehavior it should become obsolete.