Arduino ISP, debugwire and charge pump based HVP for ATTiny85
This project is mostly based on code and circuits from Wayne's Tinkering Page
- see AttinyDebugTools.fzz Fritzing file
Can be started from Arduino Serial window, or using
F - Identify Device & Print Fuses
+ - Enable debugWire DWEN Fuse
- - Disable debugWire DWEN Fuse
8 - Enable CKDIV8 (divide clock by 8)
1 - Disable CKDIV8
B - Engage Debugger
< - Save Current Fuses
> - Restore Saved Fuses
High Voltage Programmer:
R - Restore Saved Fuses (HVP)
X - Hard Reset Fuses (HVP)
Dev Commands:
C - Send 4 Byte ISP Command
P - Vcc On
O - Vcc Off