Welcome to the Smart Automated Warehouse System (SAWS) project repository. This repository contains all the necessary packages and configurations to set up and operate an intelligent warehouse system using TurtleBot4 and UR5 robots. The system integrates functionalities such as teleoperation, localization, SLAM, gripper control, and navigation.
- Shashank Goyal: sgoyal18@jhu.edu
- Tarun Prasad Senthilvel: tsenthi1@jhu.edu
The SAWS project aims to design and implement an intelligent system for inventory management using TurtleBot4 and UR5 robots. The system leverages ROS2 for robot control, Computer Vision, Robot Motion Planning, and Robot System Programming.
To start, create a ROS workspace on your TurtleBot4:
mkdir -p ~/saws_workspace/src
cd ~/saws_workspace/src
Clone this repository into the src
folder of your ROS workspace:
cd ~/saws_workspace/src
git clone https://github.com/jhu-rsp/Smart-Automated-Warehouse-System.git
After cloning the repository, build your workspace:
cd ~/saws_workspace
colcon build
Source the setup script to overlay the workspace on your ROS environment:
source ~/saws_workspace/install/setup.bash
This repository contains the following packages, each serving a specific role in the SAWS project:
- saws_bringup: Launch and bringup files for the SAWS project.
- saws_description: URDF and mesh files for robot descriptions.
- saws_handeye_calibration: Tools and scripts for hand-eye calibration.
- saws_gripper_actionlib: Action libraries for gripper control.
- saws_gripper_msgs: Custom messages for gripper control.
- saws_teleop_joy: Joystick teleoperation for the robots.
- saws_turtlebot4_nav2_bringup: Navigation2 bringup files for TurtleBot4.
- saws_turtlebot4_nav2_move_to: Scripts and nodes for moving TurtleBot4 to specific points.
- saws_turtlebot4_teleop_setup: Setup for teleoperation and localization of TurtleBot4.
- saws_ur5_control_loop: Control loops for the UR5 robot.
- saws_ur5_joint_interpolator: Joint interpolator for smooth UR5 movements.
- saws_ur5_pickup: Nodes and scripts for pickup operations with UR5.
- saws_ur5_rrmc: Robot motion control for the UR5 robot.
For more detailed information on ROS and TurtleBot4, refer to the following resources: