Restful Web API implemented in django for a classroom application similar to Google Classroom
Check out the documentation of the API.
Here is the link of the for the backend api.
The project uses djangorestframework-simplejwt for authorization and MySQL as its backend database.
It is advisable to first create a virtual environment for this project. Then proceed with installation
# clone the repo
$ git clone
# change the working directory to Classroom
$ cd Classroom
# install the requirements
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a secrets.json file (in the same folder with with following keys:
"DB_USER": "",
"DB_NAME": "",
"DB_HOST": "",
"DB_PORT": "",
SECRET_KEY is the django-project secret key which is used in cryptographic signing. You can generate a secret key by creating a dummy or temporary django project (you can find it in
Rest of the keys are related to your database. You can use SQLite by changing the DATABASES object in In that case you won't need all the DB_ keys.
MEDIA_ROOT is the location of your media folder for storing files.