SHARPpy v1.4.0 "Andover" Alpha-1
SHARPpy v1.4.0 "Andover" Alpha 1 Release
REMINDER: You must re-run the 'python install' script for the updates to take effect.
The SHARPpy v1.4.0 "Andover" release
New Features
- User preferences
- Change units for wind, surface temperature and dewpoint
- Choice of three color schemes: standard (the usual white-on-black), inverted (black-on-white), and protanopia (white-on-black, but with colorblind-friendly colors)
- Python 3 support
- Hodograph improvements
- Can now click and drag the storm-motion vectors, updating all the other insets
- Double click to change which storm motion vector is used for storm-relative calculations
- New readout on the hodograph, coupled to the readout on the Skew-T
- Improvements for southern-hemisphere users
- Wind barbs are flipped
- Left-mover vector is used by default
- Storm motion vector is chosen if the SPC-formatted sounding file specifies the latitude and longitude of the input sounding (southern-hemisphere uses the left-mover, northern the right-mover).
- Left-mover vector is used in all other storm-motion dependent functions (e.g., STP insets, SARS).
- New data sources for international and U.S. users
- Realtime and historical U.S. and international soundings from 1946-now are accessible through the Picker. Soundings include the latitude and longitude.
- Up/down buttons on keyboard can now be used to flip through the ensemble members plotted in the SHARPpy GUI.
- Logging enabled when --debug flag is enabled.
- GUI now displays alert box when questionable data is requested to be plotted. Users now have the option to choose if they wish to still try to plot the data.
- Documentation and sphinx-generated API now available on Github Pages.
- Continuous Integration (TravisCI and Appveyor) now enabled to test changes, pull requests, deploy docs, and deploy binaries to Github.
- New versioning system now consistent with PEP-440 (thanks to versioneer).
- Included more scripting examples.
Bug Fixes
- [numerous]