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My preferred frameworks for automated testing in .NET.

See here for a list of included packages and their versions.

This package also includes the TestHarnessBase class, which aids my preferred technique for setup/teardown code. Generally, I eschew traditional SetUp and TearDown methods. Instead, in each test, I create an instance of a disposable context class. Construction is setup, and disposal is teardown. Because TestContext means something else already in NUnit, I call this pattern Test Harness instead.

public void TestSomething()
    using var h = new TestHarness();

    // rest of test

private class TestHarness : TestHarnessBase
    // properties for mocks and things

    public TestHarness()
        // setup code

    protected override CleanUp()
        // teardown code

This pattern enables some cool things:

  • I can enable the C# 8 nullability checker and not have to sprinkle ? and ! all over the test code.

  • Tests can run in parallel, regardless of test fixture lifetime, since there is no longer any shared state within a test class.

  • Test-support code can be isolated away from the tests themselves.

If the test fixture lifetime is instance-per-test-case, the test fixture itself can be a subclass of TestHarnessBase. This results in a test fixture more closely resembling a traditional one and removes the need for a using statement in each test, while retaining the improved nullability ergonomics. However, directly subclassing TestHarnessBase forfeits the isolation afforded by having a separate test harness class.

public class SomeTests : TestHarnessBase
    // properties for mocks and things

    public TestHarness()
        // setup code

    protected override CleanUp()
        // teardown code

    public void TestSomething()
        // test