This program simulates a DDoS attack on a set of anycasted victims and computes the proportion of attack traffic reaching each victim. It is assumed that each node in the network participates in the attack and sends the same amount of attack traffic. This simulator was created as part of the study 'Mitigating DNS Amplification Attacks using a set of Geographically-Distributed SDN Routers'.
Create a network: Use concepts from the paper 'Modeling Internet Topology' by Calvert, Doar and Zegura. This basically creates a graph which represents a randomized multi-tier network according to some well-known properties of the internet.
Analyze the network and place victims accordingly on the lowest tier.
Find closest victim from each node in the network. Here closeness is measured as hop distance under intra and inter network policy constraints suggested in the paper above.
Calculate the relative sizes of catchment areas. For a large network and small (but not too small) number of attacking nodes, the fraction of total attack traffic reaching a particular victim is roughty equal to the relative catchment area size.
To compile the project, run
DEBUG=1 make all
To find out about the command-line arguments run
build/debug/simulate --help
If you're on MacOS, you may need to add -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -stdlib=libc++
to compilation flags in the makefile.