This project aims to recreate an engine very similar to the SNES Mega Man X trilogy. You can test the executable version of this project by downloading the current release accessing You will need the .NET 7.0 or newer to run this program.
You can control the X using the following keys:
- X: Dash.
- C: Jump.
- V: Shoot X-Buster.
- Left Arrow: Move to Left.
- Right Arrow: Move to Right.
- Enter: Toggle pause.
Support to joypad was added, but there is no support to bind custom keys for now.
Shortcut Keys:
- Pause/Break: Toggle frame advance.
- |: Next frame, if in frame advance mode. Otherwise, start the frame advance mode.
- F5: Save state.
- F7: Load state.
- =: Next save slot.
- -: Previous save slot.
- N: Toggle no clip.
- M: Toggle no camera constraints.
- 1: Toggle draw hitbox.
- 2: Toggle show colliders.
- 3: Toggle draw level bounds.
- 4: Toggle draw touching tilemap bounds.
- 5: Toggle draw highlighted pointing tiles (with mouse cursor).
- 6: Toggle draw axis from X origin.
- 7: Toggle show info.
- 8: Toggle show checkpoint bounds.
- 9: Toggle show trigger bounds.
- F1: Toggle background.
- F2: Toggle foreground down layer.
- F3: Toggle foreground up layer.
- F4: Toggle sprites.
Modifications currently in progress:
- Bosses.
- Lua scripting support, allowing devs and mappers customize levels, enemies, etc.
- Own level format (instead loading from rom of original games). This step is neeeded to make the level editor.
- More levels for testing.
- More types of enemies.
- Armors.
- Water graphics.
- Slippery physics (present in Crystal Snail and Blizzard Buffalo stages).
- Conveyor physics (present in Mammoth and Sigma 3 stages).
- Solid based sprites (elevators, moving platforms, etc).
Some Pending Fixes:
- Fix background position in some levels.
- Fix triggers and camera lock in some levels.
- Fix camera transitions.
Future additions:
- Further polishing of physics.
- Level editor.
- Pause menu.
- Weapons.
- Demo recorder.
- Embedded console.
- Support for other render APIs like D3D11 and OpenGL.
- Add documentation.