Small REST api emulating an order management system.
The purpose of this project is to act as portfolio project to demonstrate how I think when designing and implementing Java applications.
- JDK 8
- mvn 3
- docker daemon installed and running
- AWS user with read and write access to a DynamoDB table called users. You may use the ordermanagement-terraform project to configure such resources.
Build the project, including it's docker image with the following command
mvn clean package docker:build
If you wish to run this project on a host that is not within the AWS infrastructure, i.e. a local development machine then you need to ensure that AWS credentials are available for the AWS client library. The simplest way of doing this is to update the .env file example provided in this repository.
Run the API locally with the following command
docker run -p 4567:4567 --env-file .env sharebear/ordermanagement-api:1.0-SNAPSHOT