I am a first year PhD student in Statistics and Data Science at Cornell University. I am a recent graduate of UC Berkeley where I studied Computer Science. My research interests lie in high dimensional statistics, statistical learning theory, optimization, and applications to computational pathology. I strive for excellence in everything I do, and I love to work collaboratively to solve complex problems! My technical proficiencies include:
Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, C, C#, Dart, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Linux/Unix
Visualization: PowerBI, Tableau, Spotfire, Qlik
Data Science/Machine Learning: Pandas, Matplotlib, Sci-Kit Learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Pickle, PyTorch, JAX
Database: SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL, Oracle
Tools: IntelliJ IDE, Android Studios, Flutter, Eclipse IDE, JUnit, Atom, Sublime
Methodologies: Agile Software Development, Oriented Design, Objected Oriented Programming, Pair-Programming, Test-Driven Development
You can contact me at ss4329@cornell.edu / ssahu01@berkeley.edu