Data validation made easy. In code and from Interface Builder.
Warrant aims to remove validation from your code, centralize common validation patterns and make your validations more compositable.
Warrant makes data validation better by following best practices:
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Separation of Concerns
- Composition
- Reusability
Warrant provides four validators by default:
- RegexValidator
- EmailValidator
- BlockValidator
- CompoundValidator (using
Validators also use Swift's new error handling features, making it easy to use in code.
Warrant also provides validation support for three view types by default:
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UITableViewCell
- UIButton
Warrant also makes use of @IBInspectable
, giving you access to common configuration options through IB.
See the example app or the screenshot above to learn how you can use this feature.
Warrant even supports dependant fields. So with zero code, you can configure a view to validate based on its validator in addition to other dependant views. See the example Sign In app to see how this works.
Warrant follows a protocol oriented approach, making it easy to add your own validators.
If you want to create a new validator, you can either comform to the Validating
protocol or subclass Validator
(recommended) directly.
If instead you want extend a UIView (or subclass) to support validation, you just need to make it conform to ViewValidating
. Now you can use it from code or IB and gain all the benefits and power from Warrant.
If you prefer to setup your validators in code:
let validator = EmailValidator()
validator.regexPattern = ...
do {
} catch { print(error) }
If you want to configure a view with depenedencies, you can set that up like so:
button.dependantViews = [ emailField, passField ]
Validation is then as simple as:
do {
try button.validate()
} catch { print(error) }
What if we want to apply multiple validators for a value? Easy, we can either use a compound validator:
let nonEmpty = NonEmptyValidator()
let email = EmailValidator()
let compound = CompoundValidator(validators: [ nonEmpty, email ])
do {
try compound.validators?.validate("", rule: .All)
} catch { print(error) }
or we use a straight Swift array:
let validators = [ nonEmpty, email ]
validators.validate("", rule: .All)
CompoundValidator are better when configuring via Interface Builder.
Note: You can also validate multiple views in this way
Warrant is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Warrant'
If you have ideas for really useful, reusable validators, please create a pull request and I'll include them.
Shaps Mohsenin, @shaps
Warrant is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.