Auto generation of portfolio website using personal data fetched from linkedin. We will be adding content in the website dynamically using data scrapped from linkedin. Personal data is scrapped from linkedin using technologies like beutiful soup and then this data will be converted to json which further will be added in website dynamically using js.
-For people who have no knowledge of web development and wants a portfolio website. -People using linkedin can easily get a portfolio website just by a single click. -No need for maitntenance or change things manually going through all the codes of html css, here just add you content on liknedin and get it on your website. -Portfolio website is need of the hour for carrier growth and developement. -Non CSE background students can get a website in seconds.
- linkedln has 675 million actve users, more the no. of people who uses linkedln, more the no. of people benifitted by our proect
- The users will be able to choose from a variety of UI, best suited for them
- they can add more information like there photographs, blogs, contact info which are not available on Linkedln( basically editing their portfolio, from webpage itself will become easy. Without going into html, css code
- the site given to users will already be hosted, at a minimal price