This repository contains a collection of projects and exercises from the 100 Days of Python course by Angela Yu on Udemy. The course emphasizes hands-on learning through daily projects, helping learners build a strong foundation in Python. Each project is designed to teach key programming concepts and practical skills, making it an excellent resource for anyone looking to advance from beginner to proficient in Python through real-world applications.
- Band Name Generator
- Tip Calculator
- Treasure Island
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Password Generator
- Escaping the Maze
- Hangman
- Caesar Cipher
- Secret Auction
- Calculator
- Blackjack
- Guess the Number
- Higher or Lower
- Coffee Machine
- The Quiz Project
- Hirst Painting
- Etch a Sketch
- Turtle Race
- Classic Snake Game
This repository will continue to grow with more projects as the course progresses.
Feel free to explore, clone, and contribute!
Stay tuned for more projects and exciting challenges.