Small jQuery dependent library for managing history in JavaScript. This allows for really easy asynchronous loading of content, including stuff like PHP etc.
It does however require jQuery.
This is a work in progress and is not near complete. There is more configurating needed than I would like right now.
Here's how you set it up in terms of your HTML:
<div data-history-js-container="main-content">
<a data-history-js-link="views/view1.php?test=tester12345">View 1</a>
<!-- This link skips saving to history -->
<a data-history-js-link="views/view2.php" data-history-js-skip-history="true">View 2</a>
<a data-history-js-link="views/view3.php">View 3</a>
<a data-history-js-link="views/view4.php">View 4</a>
<!-- This link is a loner, but works in the same container -->
<a data-history-js-link="views/view5.php" data-history-js-container="main-content">View 5</a>
<div class="jumbotron" data-history-js-content="main-content"></div>
The data-history-js-container="main-content"
links anchor tags to the container you wish to load you HTML in. I would recommend only using one container for the moment as the history is not being stored multi-dimensionally (although the reading of user interaction is).
Yes, you can also singularly mark anchor tags instead of having them nested like so
<a data-history-js-link="views/view5.php" data-history-js-container="main-content">View 5</a>
The HTML is loaded then in the referring data-history-js-content="main-content"
I would recommend using
a { cursor: pointer; }
CSS for anchor tags that have no href attribute.
And in the historyjs.js
file, you have a couple of configurable things, allowing you to customize it if you so wish:
What you want your URL to look like
HistoryJS.root = "#/";
Default File and loading container
HistoryJS.defaultFile = 'views/view1.php?test=tester12345';
HistoryJS.defaultContainer = 'main-content';
File and file root locations
HistoryJS.fileType = ".php";
HistoryJS.fileRoot = 'views/';